Monday, July 18, 2011

True Colors

Okay, so I needed a new look...I told the hairstylist I wanted something a little more grown-up and first she gave me this look in blonde...hmm, I'm thinking no...

So...I decided to go back to my original black hair color (or really dark brown) with the "Cadence Sierra" hairstyle (one of the original Challenge mothers)...I don't know how long I'm going to have it, but I figured I'd try it out for a few shakes...what do we think? Anyone like the blonde better?

The next thing to do was age Elijah up to a teenager. This picture cracks me up! He was ready to devour his double chocolate birthday cake!

Eli is a perfect cross between me and Rhage. Although he is really scrawny. I don't know where he got that from! Either way, he's cute, but he's got a rebellious side to him that makes him act out occasionally...the thing is, he's a genius as well, so he gets out of trouble easily.

Eli is so good at taking care of Will and Finn that I feel comfortable going to a party Sergo is hosting.

Sergo and his wife have also moved into a new's across the street from me, not next door to me.
Me: So, should I get a restraining order or what? First you're next door, now you're across the you have an unhealthy obsession with me, Sergo?
Sergo just stares at me and glares.
The woman he was talking to walks off.

Sergo: Hadley, as always it's a pleasure.

I shuffle my feet.
Me: See, Sergo...sarcasm isn't that difficult...
Sergo: (blows up) I hope you realize that was an important Congresswoman that was going to help me advocate for vampire rights...that is if she doesn't think I'm a stalker!

Me: Oh, God! Sergo, I'm so sorry! I had no idea!
Sergo: (sighs) It's no matter. I'll talk to her later.
Me: No, I'll go apologize...
Sergo: No! You'll likely put your foot in your mouth again...don't worry about it.
Me: I really am sorry...

Sergo: (cracks a smile) it's fine, really. You do always make things interesting Hadley.
Me: I can't help being naturally charismatic!

We laugh and continue talking for a moment. He really does have a good sense of humor when he's not so bent on being so uptight.

So I was talking to this other guy at the party about my babies and he was going to sleep on I getting boring? So I hung around for a little bit longer, but then I just went home and went to bed.

Little did I know, in the middle of the night the next vampire daddy showed up.

I was awoken abruptly to the sounds of Will and Finn screaming.

Aargh! Sometimes screaming babies are too much for me!

I was so tired, but I put on a happy face for my little wiggly boys.

The new vampire daddy had slept on the couch that night so that he wouldn't wake me, and was listening to the gurgles and coos of the babies.

After getting them settled, I came out of my room and saw him standing there.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Phury." He greeted me.
He had the most beautiful hair I have ever was long and luxurious with brown, blonde, and red throughout it. How could that be natural? He had canary yellow eyes and looked vaguely familiar.
"It's nice to meet you too, I'm Hadley." I replied.

"I'm sorry if you heard me yelling in there, my sons decided mommy needed to wake up..." I start to complain.
Phury: Are they ok?
Me: Oh, they're fine, just babies. They are probably arguing with me, like their father used to.
Phury: Zsadist? Did something happen with him? Are you okay?
Me: (I give him a confused look) Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?
Phury: (he's obviously concerned) Did he cause very much trouble? I know how he can be sometimes...
Me: No, he was just stubborn and argumentative, mostly. Really, everything was fine...why are you so worried about it?

Phury: I apologize, it's, who he is...and for a very long time I have been sort of, his caregiver, if you will. I was nervous the entire time he was gone.
Me: Okay, I'm all kinds of confused right now. Why would he need a caregiver?
Phury: Well, not really a caregiver so's just...let me explain...
Me: Okay...I understand, I tend to be a nurturer too...
Phury: When Zsadist was a baby he was kidnapped from our family and then was rescued as an adult...and the people who had him had treated say the least. He's very troubled...more than troubled really...I wanted to travel with him, but our king, Wrath assured me that he would be fine. I saw him briefly as he was leaving, but there was no time to really speak with him. I hope he didn't harm you.
Me: No, honestly, he didn't...I wish he had told me all this his behavior makes a little more sense. He was just mean mostly, but not in any way I couldn't handle.
*this made him raise his eyebrows*

Phury: you must be some kind of woman.
Me: Not really...I just...oh, if Zsadist is your twin, that means the boys are your nephews. Their names...
Phury: Oh, I know their names...Zsadist had them carved on his chest.
*now it was my turn to raise my eyebrows*

Phury could tell I was shocked.
Phury: It's common practice in our culture for fathers to carve the names of their children on their chest, Hadley.
Me: Wow...poor Wrath...

Phury (smiles): yeah, he put it off for awhile, but Z...he must have done it himself right away...
Me: Really? He never really seemed to be to excited about having children...
Phury: Well, that's another thing about Zsadist...he acts like he hates everything and everyone and only cares for himself, but when it comes down to it, when it comes to those he genuinely cares for, his cuts are always the deepest.

Wow, I really wish I had known all of this before...

Looking at Phury now, I can see the resemblance. He does have a quicker smile, even though I can see in his eyes that he carries his own burdens.
Phury changes the subject.
Phury: I must say, Z didn't say anything about how beautiful you are.

Phury leans in like he might kiss me, but I kind of want to take things slow.
Me: Well, thank you. How about some breakfast? Then you can meet Will and Finn...and Elijah will probably be up soon.
Phury: Ah, Rhage's son, right? I've been looking forward to meeting him as well.

Phury: Oh, I almost forgot, please take these.
He hands me the most beautiful red roses.
Me: Thank you so much. I love roses.

He looks so tense, I offer to give him a massage. He has so much tension on his shoulders.
Me: Have you been carrying the world around up here?
Phury: You have no idea...that feels amazing...

Phury wanted to meet the boys first, so I took him into my room. He fell in love with them instantly. They also loved him.
Phury: I can see my brother in both of them.
Me: They look like you too...
He seems reluctant to ever talk about himself for any period of time.
Phury: You know you were mentioning you get easily frustrated sometimes...I have something that might help that...

Phury gets me to meditate! Haha, I have never even thought about it...

I get so zenned out, I actually start levitating!

Of course, Phury had other ways of relaxing...he blew on the bubble machine he brought with him.

I had a standing invitation to go to the Indigo Room, so I bring Phury with me. As I lead him out to the dance floor, I notice a limp in his walk.
Me: Hey, are you ok? You're limping.
Phury lifts his pant leg and reveals a prosthetic leg. I am shocked.
Me: What happened?
Phury: It was well worth the loss, believe me.
He takes my arm and twirls me around, making me lightheaded. I guess he manages just fine without it...

We spend the night dancing. I can't help but love the feel of his eyes on me. He is an absolute gentleman. He doesn't even get grabby in this night club, where people notoriously get grabby.

I am starting to think he's not really into me when he stops dancing and ever so gently gives me a soft peck on the lips. Amazingly, that little kiss was more heart-flutter inducing than a full-on make-out session.

He seems reluctant to go further, so I wrap my arms around him.
Phury: I'm sorry...I don't...
Me: Shh, stop apologizing...
Phury pulls away from me: Let me go get you a drink.

As I watch him at the bar, then bringing the drinks back to me, I am amazed by him. I have never met such a selfless's hard for me to believe that he and Zsadist once shared the same womb.

His one vice seemed to be the bubble machine. The club had one in the VIP section, so I sat down and puffed on it a bit with him.

Oooh, pretty colors! I have to admit, it was fun.

After the club closed, we went to the park. He of course, sat a safe distance from me.

I leaned closer to him and thankfully he didn't pull away.

It was my turn to whisper something that can't be repeated...hehe...

Close to dawn, we made it back to my house and went to work on Baby 26!

Baby Daddy: Warrior Vampire Edition #4: Phury


  1. nice! elijah is rhage jr! can't wait to see the next post!

  2. Another great post, and more warrior babies :D

    I just got an update saying "Aunt Edna Bell and Hadley Reed have decreed their mutual hate for each other. It's hate at first sight."

    I thought you would get a kick out of that :D

  3. @Maple: Thanks! Yeah, Elijah does look a lot like Rhage! I'm pretty excited about that!

    @spiderg1rl: Thanks! Ahh! I'm off to read it right now! Love the title! Hehe!

  4. no no I meant in game, sorry for the confusion. Although I might try and add Hadley to the next Edna update seeing as they are already enemies through the games story progression

  5. Great post! Your blog is wonderful! :) SO entertaining to read!

  6. @spiderg1rl: LOL, ok, I understand now! That is awesome...I had a feeling that Hadley and Edna would not get along!

    @Catherine: Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it!

  7. I nearly laughed out loud when Phury told Hadley that Zsadist had tatooed his children's names on his chest. That was funny and creative! Phury is so nice, it's hard to imagine that he's related to Zsadist at all. BTW, great post as always!

  8. Thanks! It's actually something the vampires really do in J.R. Ward's books...I wanted to give Zsadist a more "human" side...yeah, I love Phury...Thanks again!

  9. I love Phury! He's so selfless! :)

  10. @Elliot, thanks!

    @Paisley, I do too! I really enjoyed having him in the game
