Saturday, July 16, 2011

Having Five Teenagers in the House Is Like Having Five Sledge Hammers Banging On My Head

It's never good when you hear your children talking about skipping school...but that's what Isobel and Rose were discussing...

As soon as they heard me listening, they changed the subject.

Isobel has been rebelling a little more than usual lately. She decided to dye her hair blonde.

She has also started pulling pranks all over town...the first time she did it, she got caught.

Isobel yelled right back when this woman was yelling at her. *Sigh* It seems as though I need to talk some sense into my disrespectful daughter.

She tries to run away from the police officer coming for her.

He catches up with her anyway.

When she gets home, I immediately ground her, but I don't think it will do any good.

Besides the teenage quints, I have little Elijah, who is quite frankly a joy to care for. I think the powers that be probably decided to throw me a bone with him. He's a very happy baby.

Of course, it's probably because he has five siblings and his mama that bend over backward at even the hint of his dissatisfaction.

Isobel is a bit of a snob, so she is always making sure she looks good.

I have a conversation with her about her life goals.
Me: I understand that you want to be young and have fun, but you have to start thinking about your future!
Isobel: Mom, I've got it under control! I'm an artist! Artists can't be confined by society's rules...
Me: Well, you're under eighteen, so you're going to be confined by my'll have to take it up with society when you grow up...

Teenagers...I swear!

While the kids are at school, I take the oppurtunity to look at their computer to see what they've been looking at. You can't be too careful in this day and age. Have you seen To Catch a Predator?

But when I get on the computer, I am shocked that someone booby-trapped it and this creepy beast thing blew up on the screen and scared the bajeezies out of me!

It went away shortly though...but I couldn't be too sure after that...

Amazingly to me, even though I have five perfectly capable teenagers in the house, who gets stuck with doing the laundry? Yup, you guessed it, Mama does.

Oh well, I still have time for I am dancing at the Copa Cabana.

Of course, while I'm dancing away, Isobel is busy stealing tests from her teacher's desk.

...egging people's houses...

...leaving dog poo at their doors...

She even eggs Vicki's least Vicki called me and brings Isobel home.

"What am I going to do with you, Izzy?" I ask, calling her by her childhood name.
"Don't worry about me, Mom, I'm fine." she replies.
I don't believe her, but I ground her and send her to bed.

The next morning, I get a phone call from Sergo.
Sergo: Hadley, how is everything going?
Me: Oh, fine, the quints are teens right now, and Elijah is thriving.

Sergo: Do you think you could speed up their aging process? I would like to send you the next father.
Me: Why don't you send him now?
Sergo: Hmm, I would rather not. The fewer people he interacts with, the better.
Me: Oh-kay...

Well, that makes me worry. Then I hear Elijah crying from his bed. I call for Rose, but she's gone, so I call for Jules.

Jules: What's up, Mom?
Me: Honey, I need to work on dinner, do you think you can check on Elijah for me?
Jules: Sure.

When Jules gets into my bedroom though, she realizes she has to change his poopy diaper and isn't too happy about that!

With prom coming up and the quints getting ready to age up, I let Isobel off the hook.

I also aged Elijah up...he is a little mini Rhage right down to his shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. I look at him and know Rhage would be ecstatic.

Eli is a little giggle-bug! He is the most content baby I've had so far...

Logan makes sure and teaches him all the important "guy" things. Hehe.

Soon it's Prom's Jules in her dress.




and Isobel.

Mason was Prom King and Jules was Prom Queen...not really sure how that works considering they're siblings, but oh well...I'm sure Wrath would be pleased to hear about it.

When they get home, they all sit down and enjoy a cheese plate I made for them. They must have really crappy food at the prom because every time one of my teens go, they are always starving by the end of the night.

So, since they're all straight A students and prom has come and gone, it was time to age them up.

Mason is the first to age up. He looks identical to Wrath. He's muscular, he's got the same hairstyle, and he's got a badass look on his face!

Jules is next, she has always been a no-nonsense chick...I'm sure that no matter what she decides to do with her life, she will go far!

Isobel has decided to keep the blonde hair and she still has the mischievous stare.

Rose is still a beauty inside and out. I hope she finds someone that is worthy of her good heart.

Logan is still quiet and contemplative. He's thinking of becoming a teacher.

After the quints moved out, I was bored, so I picked up Elijah and decided to go visit Jenna and her new baby, my first grandchild, Stacie. But they weren't home and I had forgotten the negative effect the sun has on me because I'm a vampire.

So Elijah and I go home and because he's learned all his skills, I age him up.

Then I go back out on the town, to Vanity. Do I look scary?

When I come home, I stop to check the mail when I am startled by a bald man with a huge scar down his face. I could tell by the extra shine in his canary yellow eyes that he was a vampire.

"Wh-who are you?" I ask.
He replies, "I'm Zsadist. I'm supposed to come here and meet Hadley Reed?"
"That's me," I gulped.

Zsadist turns around and starts walking toward the front door.
"Well, let's get this baby-making thing over with," he says.
I can't help but think, how am i going to have a baby with him?

Meet Baby Daddy: Warrior Vamp Edition #3: Zsadist
Download here:


  1. nice post! isobel sure is a sneaky one!

  2. Can't wait for the next chapter, I'm interested to see what the sadist...I mean, like when living with Hadley. For some reason, I highly doubt his name is purely coincidental...

  3. @Maple, Thanks! Yup, she is...for some reason, my girls are always worse then my boys!

    @rodgers: thanks! I'm glad you dropped by! Yeah, he's a different type of character!

  4. Awesome post :) on my way to the next!

  5. @Paisley, thank you! I'm glad you like him! His scar was supposed to criss-cross across his face, but I couldn't find a believable scar like that...
