Friday, July 22, 2011

Babies 28 & 29: Thank God for Pharmaceuticals

After Phury left, Will was inconsolable. I could occasionally distract him, but only for a few seconds. Soon he would start crying and yelling for "Fooey" again. It was breaking my heart and I thought I would actually get some relief from it when he went down for his nap, but he sobbed and hiccuped in his sleep! I don't know if my kids can take someone else coming into their life that's just going to leave.

Okay, I'm not going to lie, I missed him too. I cared about all the vampires in their own way, but Phury made his way into my heart. I don't know how I'm going to be able to get him out of there.

I am heartbroken, but I have to keep going...forge ahead, or whatever people say...I still have two more vampire daddies to come into the picture...but I'm thinking about telling them to limit their interaction with my kids. I would have my heart break a million times over again before I have another child that is as heartbroken as poor little Will.

Soon though, time went on and it was birthday time! Eli made me get another double fudge the boy eats like that and stays so skinny I will never know! It makes me hate him a little bit (hey, don't judge me! Yes, I know he's my kid, but seriously...)

Rachel was the first to age up. She got Phury's amazing red, blonde, and brown hair color and his yellow eyes. She is artistic and excitable, so she's going to be a fun one! I can already tell.

Artie looks more like Phury in the face, but he's got my hair color and eye color. He's a lot more quiet than Rachel.

Will grew up next. He thankfully got over Phury being gone. He woke up crying in the middle of the night a couple of times, but now Phury is just a distant memory. I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse.

Finn grew up of course to have my features...and that infamous sneaky expression that I am beginning to think is a Reed family trait.

The last one to age up is Elijah. Let me tell you what, he filled out! After aging into a young adult, he bulked up and looks so much like his father, it's scary.

When we sat down to eat birthday cake, Will started devouring his cake with complete disregard for his table manners. Having been influenced by Phury, who had impeccable table manners, Elijah reprimanded his brother.
Eli: Eww, gross, bro. You look like a pig...why don't we just pull up a trough and have you eat out of there.
Me: Eli, come on, stop giving your brother a hard time...

Then Will burped and stuck his whole face in the cake...great, thanks for proving my point, kid.
Me: Okay, never mind...

Eli talked about not wanting to get married, especially since his crush, Joanna, moved out of town. He has decided to go into law enforcement.

After he finished his cake, Eli moved out. *Sad face*

The next morning, I was going about my day...potty training, feeding, etc...typical life with toddlers...when I hear crying coming from the front yard.

There was a man standing outside, bawling his poor little eyes out...

He clutched his hand to his heart and I could hear him whispering, "Wellsie, oh, Wellsie." What in the...? Who in the...?
I stood at the door and hollered out to him, "Hey, are you okay? Do you want to come in?"

The man came inside and introduced himself, "Thank you. My name is Tohrment. I was sent by Wrath, my king..."
This is the next vampire father? Hmm, I wonder why he was crying.

Me: Well, it's nice to meet you, but are you okay?
Tohrment: No, quite honestly, I don't really want to be here, but I was ordered here by my king.

He's obviously hurt, so I let that one fly...I must be mellowing...I try to comfort him, but it just makes him lash out.
Tohrment: I really just want to go lay down right now, can you show me where I'm going to be sleeping?

I sent Tohrment downstairs in the basement where I had set up a guest bedroom. I can't help but wonder what happened to him. He's an attractive man with bulging muscles like the others, but the lines in his face are deep, making him look years older than he probably is.

He went down to his room and slept for several hours...

After an entire day had passed, I didn't know whether or not I should wake him, but I decided to let him sleep.

I just went about my regular day as though he wasn't even there. I was working hard to teach Rachel and Artie their skills.

At some point, Tohrment wakes up, but he's still not ready to interact with me or anyone, so he works out in the gym. Okay, I just keep giving him time.

When he finally comes upstairs, he sees Artie and picks him up.
Tohrment: This must be Phury's son...
Me: That would be him...

Just when I think he's starting to come around, he puts his hand to his heart again.

The first time I actually saw him smile was when he saw Rachel.
Tohrment: She's got hair just like her daddy and uncle. Phury will be thrilled.

Thankfully, I got him to sit down and eat dinner with us. He didn't say much, but at least it was a start. Also, Jules had called me and invited me and the new VD (her words...translation: Vampire Daddy) to come and meet everyone.
It was like pulling teeth...strong, vampire teeth...but I got him to agree to come.

Before we go, I get all the kids to bed and hire a baby-sitter, while we're waiting, Tohrment asks me about the house and making sure it's secure. Hmm, well, I guess it's good that he cares...

When we get to the party, Elijah, Rose, Jules, and Alaric are there. Also, Dr. Skelton showed up. All five of my quints lived in this house, I can't looks so tiny!

Tohrment met everyone and was cordial to them all...the one person he talked to most, believable or not, was Jules. I would have expected Rose because she's a very calming soul, but he seemed most comfortable around Jules. They just stood in a corner in the kitchen and talked.

Mason showed up soon...his presence demands attention, so everyone noticed when he got there. I'm guessing that's because his father's genes are so prominent in him. I suppose he was meant to be the son of a king.

Oh, I almost kids decided to surprise me with my best childhood friend, Evie Cowan. She was at the party! We spoke for a little bit, but she couldn't stay long. She is in town on vacation.

We stayed at the party for a little while and then had a few drinks. Tohrment was feeling a little more sociable (alcohol can work wonders, can't it?), so he wanted to go out. I took him to Vanity.

Ok, I know this is kind of wrong, but I was noticing he was getting more receptive and loosening up a lot since he had been I kept feeding him alcohol...and sure enough, he decided he wanted to skinny dip in the basement of Vanity. Of course, me and my big mouth had to ask him about why he has been so sad.
Me: You seem pretty you want to talk about it?
Tohrment: *sighs* I recently lost wife...she...died.
Me: Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! Was she sick?
Tohrment: No, she was the sworn enemies of the vampires in our world. Feel lucky you don't have them here. They're called lessers...and their soul purpose is to kill vampires. She was also pregnant with our baby.
Me: Wow...I had no idea...I'm so sorry. Is that the war you all are always talking about? Is that with them?
Tohrment: Yes, my poor Wellsie was caught out where she shouldn't have been...and...was killed.

Me: So that's why you're not really up for doing this?
Tohrment: That's exactly it. The thought of sleeping with someone else sickens me.
Me: Hmm, well, then why did you even come?
Tohrment: *sighs* I was ordered by my king, so I came. This is more difficult than I thought it was going to be, but I know it has to be done.

I can't say that I am thrilled at the thought of having to seduce a man that has absolutely no interest in me, but they don't call this a challenge for nothin'...

So I did the only thing I could think to do...I got him really, really, REALLY drunk...with the hopes that he didn't pass out before I could have my way with him...and I slipped him a "little blue pill." Wink, wink!

Finally, he was good and relaxed.
Me: So how about that baby making?
Tohrment: I...*drunk gibberish*...ok
Me: Sounds like a yes to me...

So I climbed on top of him. His head fell back a few times and I had to keep slapping him across the face so he wouldn't pass out, but at the end of it all, I heard a little lullaby.

I got him out of the hot tub and he threw up almost instantly. Ugh, well, I'm assuming that was good. I don't need him dying of alcohol poisoning on me.

Getting him standing and dressed was another chore...but somehow I did it...and I had to get him sober enough to walk himself out of here, I knew for a fact I couldn't carry him.

As soon as he sobered up a little bit, he became a "sobbing uncontrollably and blubbering" drunk.

Tohrment: I'm so sorry...I jjjuussstt missss hheerrrrrr!
Me: There, there.

I patted his back and comforted him. I can't imagine what he's going through. To loose your wife and baby all at once. It's a wonder he's even standing here...well..honestly he's barely standing here...but that's more my fault than his.

Me: Tohr, you have been through so much, but I promise you it will get better.

Tohrment: Thank you for being so kind to me, Hadley. I know it hasn't been easy.
Me: I don't know if getting you drunk and drugging you can be considered being kind, but your welcome all the same.

We got home really late, or really early, however you want to look at it...and Tohrment got to go to bed.

I still had to get up with Rachel and Artie...bleh!

I had just a little bit of morning sickness, but I noticed I was getting a little pudgy, so I decided to work out for awhile. Like my new workout clothes?

Tohrment got up and was still heartbroken, that was obvious...

...but he got up and played with the the kitchen...while I was trying to cook...but I just let them go...

While Tohr and Will played, Finn swam in the pool, which has become his favorite activity. Hmm, I wonder if I was cursing him when I named him Finn?

The night was pretty normal, my baby bump showed up...but Tohrment went out.


I had to get out of the nice as Hadley has been and as wonderful as her kids are, I couldn't be there any more. Just being around her family reminds me of the family that I am never going to have. I couldn't take it.

I'm hungry, so I try to find someone to feed on, but I can't find anyone...

I have a few drinks and end up in front of the hospital...talking to myself...

Tohr: What is wrong with you, fathering a child from someone other than Wellsie?

Tohr2: It was YOUR fault, man...if you had just stood up to Wrath and told him, no, we're not going...

Tohr: Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah...that's all I hear from better shut up before I shut you up!

Tohr2: Ooh, like I'm really scared of you! Look at you, you're pathetic! Standing in front of a hospital, crying like a better stop it or they're going to come and put you in the neonatal ward.

Okay, man, you've got to pull yourself together. I decided to call a cab and get a ride back to Hadley's. Well, after I went to the hospital and got some plasma juice.


When I woke up, I changed into a new maternity outfit...courtesy of some of my challenge mother friends. (I don't know who I downloaded it from, but thanks!) Isn't it cute?

I saw Tohrment (he looked REALLY rough) and immediately told him I was pregnant.

Tohrment: That's good, I'm really happy for you.
Me: There's something else...I don't know how you would feel about it...
Tohrment: What is it?
Me: If I have a girl, I would like to name her Wellsie.
Tohrment smiles at me: That would be very sweet of you.

He felt my stomach once, but that was it...

For the rest of my pregnancy, Tohrment was never anything but a good friend. That arrangement was probably best for us. He had just lost his wife, I was still heartbroken over losing Phury. We both just needed a friend.

Rachel & Artie were such fast learners, that I went ahead and aged them up...but not before catching this adorable picture of Rachel!

Rachel is like my sunshine. She's always so full of life and excitement. She got the party animal trait, so she's a blast to be around. It's impossible to be sad around her. Not to mention, she has her father's hair and eyes.

Artie is much more quiet, serious, and reserved. He still likes to have fun, just more quiet kinds of fun.

Rachel, on the other hand, can generally always be found dancing to her music or planning something fun and extravagant.

Soon, I go into labor. It was more difficult calling for Tohrment when he wasn't sleeping in my bed, but I managed.

We made it into the hospital, even though there were tons of fans outside screaming at me. One guy even passed out. They're so crazy...

Baby 28 came on the scene quickly...I had a girl and as I promised Tohrment, I named her Wellsie Reed.

However, we had a little stowaway. Baby 29: Sue Reed.

We got home before the crack of dawn. As soon as we get there and get Sue and Wellsie settled, Tohrment has to go.

Tohrment: I can't believe I fathered twins girls...
Me: Is there any way for our world to keep in touch with yours? Could we write or something?
Tohrment: If anyone would know anything about that, it would be Vishous.
Me: Who's that?
Tohrment: You'll see...

Me: Way to be cryptic...thanks bud.

I hug him tight and say goodbye. I only hope he will find peace someday.

Baby Daddy: Vamp Edition #5: Tohrment
Download Here:

***NOTE: I am in no way condoning drinking to the point of passing out...or drugging someone to "have your way with them". Binge drinking and date rape are very serious with dire consequences. So, drink responsibly, and remember, no means no! ***


  1. omg! this like kinda sad because you're heartbroken, he's heartbroken. you probably made some heartbroken kids! lol

  2. sad but sweet post, kind of funny that you had to get him so drunk he couldn't stand straight to do the deed though. Look forward to seeing the girls as they age up :D

  3. @Maple, I hear ya, poor Hadley and Tohr were just sad sacks the whole time! LOL

    @spiderg1rl: Thanks! Yeah, poor Tohr! LOL

  4. i think after this last vampire you need to get Hadley back and get Phury back, too! Hadley obviously loves him!

  5. @Maple, I would really like to...Phury was fun!

  6. This post was absolutely incredible! I loved it! The story line is awesome, and you are a wonderful writer! Your blog is def. one of my favorites, and every time I see you have a new post out, I start reading ASAP. Keep up the wonderful work! Excited for Vishous!!

  7. Great update!!! I loved it :)

  8. I felt so bad for Tohrment. I liked how Hadley drugged him up (although it wasn't good for her to do that) it was pretty funny. Sue is one of my favorite characters on Glee! She's so funny!

  9. @Catherine: Thank you so much! That really does mean the world to me!

    @rodgers: Thanks!

    @Cat: Yeah, Tohrment has it rough. Drugging him probably wasn't one of Hadley's finer moments, but there was really no way out...he had to impregnate him by order of his king and he couldn't do it sober...LOL. Yeah, I love Sue on Glee too, awesome character!
