Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Poll! Possible Candidates for Generation 2!

Ok, I'm not saying I'm doing a Generation 2 any time soon, but you might have noticed that I have put a poll please vote!  I want to know what you think!  Thanks guys!


  1. I just finished voting and i was wondering if I could use Liam as a daddy in my challenge? Thanks :)

  2. Thanks Violet! Of course you can use Liam and anyone else you want!

  3. I think you should use Hallie if you do a generation two since she's BEAUTIFUL!

  4. Awesome! Thanks! ( i just have to change his hairstyle if thats okay, i don't have whatever SP his hair came with)

  5. @Skye: Yay! I'm glad!

    @Paisley: I really like Hallie too...I honestly can't decide...that's why I need your input!

    @Cat: Yay! Thanks!

    @Violet: That's totally cool...change it to whatever you need!

    @Claire: Aww, I really like her too! Eek...I have no clue who I would choose...bleh...LOL
