Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sorry for the Lack of Posts...and Reads

Okay guys...I just wanted to apologize for not posting on here as frequently and for not reading all of your amazing blogs in a timely fashion.  I've been super busy and I don't really have a whole lot of time for blogging right now...As some of you know from my comments from my last post, I am completely done with Hadley's challenge as far as game play goes.  That was a personal goal for me...I wanted to get done with it before Pets (mostly because I didn't know what Pets would screw up) was released and I spent the entire weekend before buzzing through her last 20 babies...which was a feat.  I had a lot of game issues during that time, but I documented it as best I could and will be updating (maybe hopefully today) soon.  As far as the reading goes, I will try to catch up on that as soon as I can...I have a TON to read though.  Anyway, hope y'all are doing good and for those of you who just got a new game, whether it be Pets or one of the previous expansions that you're just getting now, hope you're having fun!


  1. Take your time hun, I've been playing alot this weekend too myself as I'm in work next week and I have a feeling all hell is about to break loose and keep me busy myself. So I think a few of us will understand completely. I'm pleased you finished it, I still have a long way to go, but the families are gaining pets so its all good :D

    Proud of you for finishing it, I knew you would do it but still excellent that you did it. In the meantime take your time, we'll wait to read the end.

  2. I agree with Spiderglrl, take your time. I'm so impressed that you sped through Hadley's challenge. I can't wait to read the end!

  3. @Paisley: Oh, I'm not DONE like I'm not posting anymore, I'm done in my game, but I'll be posting soon. I'm actually working on an entry right now.

    @spiderg1rl: Thanks! I hear ya, work is crazy for me too! I kind of wish I had put pets in, but with all the trouble the game was giving me, I'm glad I finished when I did.

    @Cat: Thanks hon! I can't believe it myself! LOL I can't wait to get it all out, I just want to tell you all what is going to happen so bad I can't stand it, but I'll wait!

  4. so excited to see the end! :) It will certainly be a LOT to catch up on with reading :)
