Sunday, October 2, 2011

Babies 60 & 61: Battle of the Bulge

I found another baby daddy!  This guy has turquoise hair!  Since that's my favorite color, I think it's a good omen.

I say this with love, but have I mentioned that Stu is a brat?  Any little thing he wants, he screams until he gets it...

"It's time for you to grow up, little monster!" I tell him.

Ugh!  He's so cute!  I can't stand it!

That cute remains when he ages into a child.  That full head of thick light brown hair, those gorgeous green eyes...let's hope his brattiness doesn't continue though...I'm not sure I can stand it!

I start showing early!  I'm so excited to be pregnant with Baby 60!  I can't believe I only have 40 more to go...hmm...I probably shouldn't say 40 and ONLY...but know what I mean.

This pregnancy is taking it out of me.  I feel like I'm tired all the time.

Avenelle sits on the bus with Stu for his first day of school.  I will say something...even though he gets away with a lot with me, Nell doesn't let him get by with squat.  She is protective, but she puts him in his place quite frequently!  That's my girl!

I'm still doing the self-employed gardener thing.  I don't really need to work anymore, but I still want to.

Nell is so sweet...she's always full of hugs for her mama!

"Mama, the kids make fun of Sarah at school," she tells me one day when the girls come home and Sarah runs up to her room crying.
"I'm sorry to hear that honey.  What do they say?"  I ask her.
"They call her names like Fatso and Tub-a-Blub...I tell them to stop, but they won't.  Why are people so mean?" she asks.
I don't have the answer for her, and I am afraid my sweet girl has a whole life full of torment ahead of her that she's just going to have to toughen up against.
"Baby, I don't know," I begin, "but the why doesn't really matter, I don't guess.  We can't control the actions of others, but we can control how we handle them."

Nell nods.  She seems wise beyond her years, but I can't help but think I just broke her heart.  It's not an easy thing to hear...that people are who they are and you can't change them...especially when they're hurting someone you love.

Stu has far less worries as he plays on the playground outside before bedtime.

...and I have domestic stuff to fixing broken showers...

...and paying bills...

...crying over my dead plants...ahh, the joys of pregnancy!

...and trying to keep my ever growing figure in check.

Soon, it's the twins birthday.  Nell is a beauty with long, dark brown hair and big knowing eyes.

Sarah's weight problem has followed her, even though she and Nell look a lot alike.

"Ugh, Nell, I'm so jealous of you!  You can eat anything!" Sarah complains on leftover night.
"Sarah, look at what I'm eating...a picked up a burger!" Nell points out.
Stu keeps quiet with his cherry cobbler.

Sarah decides she's tired of being fat and gets on the treadmill.

Avenelle decides to be supportive and work out as well.  She's trying to tone her already skinny frame.

While the girls work out, I go into labor.

There's another baby basket!

Meet Baby 60: Randy Reed

...and Baby 61: Cotton Reed

***This is my last entry with this naming theme and no one has guessed what it take a stab at it...and I'll tell you if no one has guessed it.***
PS: That was a hint!


  1. You are on a roll with the updates. I LIKE IT!!! Oh my babies 60 and 61, whatever will I do when you get finished??? :( At the rate you're going it's going to be soon.

    I feel bad for Sarah. Hopefully the working out will get her a nice new figure, maybe before prom.

    I have no clue what the naming theme is. Give us a hint.

  2. I hope Cotton and/or Randy gets their father's cool hair!

    *thinks* ugh, I need a hint.

  3. Scream. That's the naming theme right?

  4. @jazen: Thanks! Yeah, I'm sadly trying to get it done...hopefully I'll slow down and just take it in again.

    @Cat: You'll find out next time!

    @Ashley: YES! I was beginning to feel like an old person!

    For the record: The hint was "Take a stab at it" I was going to say it's a movie series circa late 90's...would y'all have gotten it then?

  5. Scream

    I thought Cotton was a bit unusual but as soon as you said Stab was the clue I got it.

    Love the updates, I know I'm on the wrong one but Elvis babies have got to be cute really. I love your little blue haired boys. As always Hadley's story is great and in some ways she makes it look so easy :D

  6. i can't guess it! i was probably 4 in the 90's soo.. ya!!! XD

  7. Cotton and Randy! Cute names! Loved the post, but I feel so bad for poor sarah..

  8. @spiderg1rl: Yay! You got it too! LOL I'm glad you're liking the updates...Thank you so much! LOL, I don't know about easy...but I've been running through them pretty hard because I want to get done before Pets is released...I'm probably going to get the game play done before then, but IDK about the blog! LOL

    @Bonnie: Darn it, you young person! LOL If you haven't watched the series and you dig slasher movies, it's pretty much awesome...just sayin'.

    @Violet: Thanks! Sarah gets better!
