Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baby 59: ...And the Quads Grow Up!

Avenelle and Sarah are quick studies as well, so they learn everything and I age them up...

Avenelle is beautiful.  She is a bit of a tomboy, but it suits her.

Sarah is much more of a girly girl...and she apparently has a weight problem like her father.

I start showing quickly...I can't wait to see you, little baby!

My mom calls and invites me to a pool party she and Daddy are throwing.  I forgot to ask her how she's having a pool party without a pool...of course, Aunt Z is there.  She and Mama are talking about how Mama's sister, my Aunt Becca, is coming for a visit soon.  She's a country singer, a little kookie, but a lot of fun.

Back at home, I upgrade the sprinklers...I'm sick of running them all the time.

But then I go into labor...

Let me introduce you to Baby 59: Stuart Reed

With Stu, I get my green eyed boy...he's gorgeous, so he gets away with a lot...

Even though he's a bit of a brat!

I can't help but love the little booger!

Then it's prom time!  Look at how handsome Dewey is!

That's Murphy!

My niece, Leslie comes over to go to prom as well!

Christine looks pretty in pink!

Lois is ever the stylish one...she doesn't go for a regular prom dress.

They age up as soon as they come home...Here's Dewey, with a shaved head and looking just like his Uncle Keaton.

Lois looks a little like Maureen and a little like my sister.

I am so jealous of Murphy's lips!  My mom has lips like those...why do I get stuck with the crap genes?

Christine is a beauty!

After they leave, I feel like I have an empty house, but I know that with this challenge it won't be empty for long!


  1. Aww, I love the quadruplets, they're so unique! ...And ohmygosh, Stuart is adorable with his curly hair and green eyes!!!!

  2. I'm sure it won't. You work incredibly quickly, especially compared to me.

  3. Yay for finally getting your green eyed baby!!!!

  4. Stuart is freaking adorable with those green eyes... wow!! The quads aged up so fast, each of them are beautiful! Loved the post.. 1 more to 60!

  5. i forgot to add, sorry to hear about your aunt:(

  6. @Cat: Stuart is adorable...wait til you see him older...hubba hubba! LOL

    @Skye: I'm ashamed to say I'm buzzing through everything to get it done...I have another challenge in mind, but I refuse to let myself work on it til I'm done with this one.

    @jazen: IKR? I'm pretty excited...Embry (her first) was the only green-eyed baby before him!

    @Violet: Thank you! I'm pretty excited to be buzzing through!

  7. i'm sure you have a perfect plan! ;)
