Friday, October 14, 2011

Babies 73 & 74: A Special Unit and a Hard Decision

Even though Ryan's in my life now and that's huge, I still have to forge ahead in my challenge.  I haven't had time to look for a new baby daddy yet because Bradley and Benna keep me busy...have I mentioned they're a handful?

I'm teaching them their skills as much as I can, so hopefully they'll be aging up soon.

I've also let my garden go to hell...I love the thrill of a new relationship and all that comes with it, but I feel like I let everything slide while I've been hanging with it's catch up time.

When I finally get the girls settled in with their toys, I have some time to decompress and catch up with the rest of the world.

The anchor is talking about a kidnapping in a town close by.  Apparently a special victims unit has been called in to investigate and conduct a search party for the missing child.

The agents in charge are Kelsey Keagan and Elliot Stabler.  Huh...that's my aunt!  I didn't even know she was in town...that is until she shows up on my doorstep.

"Aunt Kaka!" I greet her when she rings my doorbell.
She smiles but replies, "Call me that again and I might have to shoot you."
I laugh.  Kaka is a nickname she got from my oldest cousin and it just sort of stuck.  Yes, we do realize what it means in Spanish.
"Why didn't you call and tell me you were going to be in town?" I ask.
"Where's the fun in that?" she replies, "Besides, I'm really here for work...have you heard about the kidnapping in Hazard?"
"Yeah, I just saw it on the news," I answer.
"Well, we've been looking everywhere and when we got here, the first person I asked about children said if I was looking for kids to come to your we are...they said you had 100 or something..."
"Uh...yeah, come in and we can talk about it," I tell her, "your friend can come in too..."

I let Kelsey and her quiet friend, Elliot, inside.
"Why do you need that many kids?" Kelsey asks, "I have to tell you, I really don't approve of human trafficking, or sweat shops, am I getting warm?"
I laugh at her dry sense of humor, "I don't have that many kids...yet....and most of them are adults now..."

"I'm confused," she says.
"I'm doing the 100 Baby Challenge," I tell her.
She looks shocked, "The 100 What Challenge?!  Have you lost your freakin' mind?"

I laugh, "No..."
"Why in the hell would anyone want to have that many children?" she asks.
"Suspicious if you ask me," her friend finally speaks...or mumbles.  Oh-kay...
"Hey," I address both of them, "I know it sounds crazy, but last I heard, it was my choice what I did with my life."
Kelsey is taken aback, "Damn, girl, you've got balls.  I have to admit...I like that.  No judgment, I just can't imagine having that many kids...I mean, damn...can you even cross your legs anymore?  I bet your lady parts look like a stop sign!" Kaka always did have a way with words.

While we talk, her partner walks into the dining room, sees the toddlers and picks Benna up...under Thad's watchful eye, of course.

He seems really good with kids and Benna loves him. Hmm, maybe he's not an asshole...

"Okay, so, let me get this've had 72 of these 100 babies you're going to've had to escape vampires, slept with a married man, got kidnapped, and are now trying to start a new relationship while continuing your challenge?" she asks after I finish my life story.
"Pretty much," I reply.
She thinks for a minute then replies, "yeah, good luck with that."

"Hey, wait a minute, I have an idea," she says.  Uh-oh.  Mama has always warned me about her ideas.
"Are you pregnant now?" she asks.
"No," I respond.
"Why don't you use Stabler as the next baby daddy?" she asks.
I look over at him.

He's watching TV and holding Benna...and occasionally laughing his ass off at whatever they're watching.

"Would he go for that?" I ask.
"Yeah, sure," she replies, " don't have to actually screw him, do you?"
"I don't have to," I reply.
"Ok, good."  She changes the subject quickly before I can ask if there's anything going on with them.  He's got to be like...twenty years older than her or something...

So it's all soon as they leave, Elliot heads over to the sperm bank and "makes a deposit" and I go pick it up...and bam!  I'm pregnant with cop babies!  Haha!

Then it's time to age the twins up...Bradley is a little girly girl who likes purple and tying her hair up in ribbons.

Benna is a girly girl too...her favorite color is pink, but she's a little more punk than prissy.

After I've been impregnated, but before I start showing, I decide to hit the treadmill...I've been noticing my hips getting a little wider lately.

Meanwhile, Patrick works on a book...

Thad works on painting...I guess he takes after his mama.

Before I finish my workout, I start showing and I have to stop.  Oh well, I'm really excited for Baby 73!

Since Thad and Patrick are teens and Bradley and Benna are grown up, I decide to go visit Ryan for the night.

"Hey baby," he greets me and lets me in.
"Hi," I go in for a kiss, but he pulls away.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Nothing, it's just kind of late to be visiting," he complains, "I was about to go to sleep."
What is wrong with him?

I turn and head for the door..."Ok, I can go..."
"No, wait," he says and pulls me toward him.

Into a very passionate kiss...almost desperate.

"That's more like it," I reply, "What do you say we meet up in the bedroom...I've got a surprise for you."

"Wait, aren't you pregnant?" he asks.
"Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?" I ask.
"I don't want to hurt you," he says. he serious?  No, he's just a man...
"It's ok, you won't hurt me, or the baby," I tell him.

While he goes to the bathroom, I change into this awesome maternity lingerie I just found...I'm sure it will make him come around.  ;)

I get comfy on the bed as he walks in.
"Wow," he says.

"You really look pregnant," he says.
Hmph...not the reaction I was looking for, but in my current state, I'm willing to forgive.
"Rule No. 1...I'm about to rock your world...don't bring up my expanding stomach again." I tell him.
He gives me a look of disbelief, "My apologies, ma'am."

I rip off his shirt, "don't call me ma'am either."
"I don't know what to think about this bossy side of you," he says.

I push him down and get on top of him.
"Don't think, we're doing way too much thinking if you ask me."

"Yeah, but..." he starts.
"Just shut up and kiss me," I direct him.
So he does...and so much more.  Oh yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!  Brown chicken, brown cow!  Haha!

Afterward, we go to sleep.  Cuddling up next to him seems so right...I never want to leave this bed.
I'm pushed up against him, relishing in how lucky I am when the baby decides to kick.  He jerks and wakes up.
"What was that?" he asks.
"It was just the baby kicking, it's no big deal.  Come back to bed." I tell him.
" need to see a client really early should probably go home so I can get some sleep," he tells me.
"You were sleeping just fine a minute ago," I argue.
"Yeah, but...uh, I sleep better alone." he says.
He ushers me out the door before I can even get all my clothes on...

So there I stand on his front my lingerie...what the hell is wrong with him?

I decide not  to stress about it too much...I'm a busy woman, I've got too much to deal with to worry about stuff too much.

After breakfast the next morning, I get a call from an old friend.
Me: Hello?
Friend: Hey, Hadley, it's Mason.
Me: Mason!  Where have you been?
Mason: I got on a traveling football team for a little bit...but I'm back in town now and was wondering what you had going on today.
Me: Not I thing I want to be doing...dishes, laundry, cleaning the bathrooms...
Mason: That's what you've got kids for...blow all that off and come see a movie with me.
Me: You convinced me...I'll see you in a bit.

After doling out chores to each child and enduring a chorus of groans, I leave.  Mason is already there.  Looking at him before he notices me, he looks different.

Mason: Hadley!  You're a sight for sore eyes.  How are you?
Me: Same old, same know how it goes...

Mason: How many kids have you had so far?
Me: This is the 73rd...

Mason: Wow...almost done!  You rock!
Me: *laughing* I don't know about that...but I am almost done, I'm pretty excited.
Mason: Do you know what you're going to do when you're done?
Me: Oh man, not a clue...I haven't even thought that far ahead...but enough about you were on a traveling football team?
Mason: was a blast...but I'm glad to be back in town...recruiters got to me...made me an offer I couldn't turn down...not to mention I'd be back in town...
Me: Yeah, close to your parents and sister and everybody...
Mason: Yeah...everybody...

His voice trails off, then he goes to touch my stomach...he looks up at me first.
Mason: Do you mind?
Me: No, go ahead...after this many pregnancies, I've realized it goes with the territory.
Mason: This is a fast moving little guy.

Mason: You're really lucky.
He looks up at me and smiles.  I can't help but notice again that something has changed about him.  He seems like the guy I've known all my life, but he seems different.  I can't quite put my finger on it.

Mason: So...what else is going on with you?  You got a man yet?
Me: Funny you should say're a guy, right?
Mason: Um, yeah, last time I checked...
Me: Ok, so can I get some advice from a guy?
Mason: Sure, let's hear it...

Me: Well, I am seeing someone...and he said he was cool with the whole challenge thing, but now he's being weird.
Mason: Is he the father?
Me: No.
Mason: So what's going to happen in this relationship?  Is he going to be the father of the rest of your children?
Me: No...I didn't plan on it...I'm not going to sleep with anyone else, but I don't want all my children from him...that's not how the challenge works anyway...all the fathers are supposed to be different...I mean, I know rules are meant to be broken and some other challenge moms have bent that rule before, but I actually like that I'm sticking to it.

Mason: Well...there you go, Hadley.  I don't know a whole lot of men that would be comfortable with their girlfriend having babies by other men all the time.
Me: It's not like the men are in my life...
Mason: Yeah, but...still...a lot of guys would have a problem with it.
Me: Would you?
Mason: *sighs* I don't know...but it's not me you have to worry about.

Me: I guess you're right...I don't know what to do then...when I first met Ryan, I told him I was doing this challenge and he would have to be okay with it...but I guess I understand how he feels...
Mason: Would you be willing to stop the challenge for him?  Or revamp it to include him?
Me: I don't know...ok, enough with the heavy...let's go see the movie.

We go in and see the remake of Footloose...both our mom's remember the original.  Hehehe...

After the movie, we stop at The Bistro for a little bite to eat and see my parents there.

They're giving each other googly eyes...after all this time.  How do they do it?  Looking at them makes me realize that I want that.

Mason and I indulge in desert...I got key lime pie and he got baked angel food cake.  I try to avoid food that arrives on my plate in flames...but he loves it.  I decide to talk to him about what's on my mind.
Me: How do you think our parents did it?
Mason: Did what?  Stayed married for so long?
Me: Yeah...and how did they find each other?  How did they know it was right?
Mason: I don't know...maybe they just got lucky.

Me: Well then I'm screwed...or not screwed...however you want to look at it...

Mason chokes on a piece of his cake.
Mason: Damn, Hadley!  Warn a person before you start talking like that!  Geez!
We both laugh.
Me: know how I am...blunt.
Mason: Oh yeah, I've been that way since birth.
I laugh.
Me: How have you tolerated me all these years?
Mason: It's not without difficulty...let me tell you.
He winks at me and my stomach flips...maybe it's the baby.

In the middle of our conversation, my parents come over...
Mom: Hey kids, imagine meeting you here...she gives my dad a look...but I can't quite read it.
Dad: What are y'all doing here?
Me: Um, gee, I don't know, Dad...what do people normally do at restaurants?
Dad: Ok, smart ass, I was just making conversation...what I meant was what have you all been doing?
Mason: We just went and caught a movie...
The small talk continues, but somehow, I feel intruded upon by my parents...for some reason, I would have rather spent the day alone with Mason...maybe it's just because he's such a calming presence.  I don't feel like I have to put up pretenses around him...I can just be myself.

My parents both pull out books and start Mason and I take the opportunity to leave.
Me: Well, since this has officially become the boring table, we're going to leave....
Mom flips me a hand goodness!  I decide to continue to pester her.
Me: Calling all boring people!  Come sit here!  You'll fit right in!
Mason is holding back laughter and then we both start cracking up.
Mom looks up at me: Very funny.
Me: Seriously, mom...we were just talking about how you and Daddy have made it work all this it because you don't talk to each other?
Mom; You have to be comfortable with the silence just as much as the noise.
Daddy: Are you saying my voice in your head is noise?
Mom gives him one of those looks again and I think she's going to say something really sweet.
Mom: Some days more than others dear.
Now it's my dad's turn to use a hand gesture.

Me: Ok, Mason...let's get out of here before things get violent.

Mason: I really need to be going.
He looks at me for just a second and I feel a little awkward.

Looking into his face, I still think something has changed about him...I think for the better, but it's too soon to tell.

He still has those smiling eyes, that megawatt smile, the ears that stick out a little too much...he's got a little bit of facial hair now, but mostly, he's still Mason, the boy I grew up across the street from.  So what is different about him?  I don't know.

I give him a big hug...his hugs are epic...just like his father's.  Every time I used to hug Uncle T-Bone, I felt safe and Mason is no different.
Mason: I had a really good time
Me: Yeah, we need to do it more often.
We say our goodbyes and we go on our way.  I head telling what state the house is in now that I've been gone awhile.

I come home to find Benna freaking Patrick out by telling him a ghost story.

Geez, Patrick, aren't you supposed to be the brave older brother?  Hehe.

Thad is downstairs playing chess.

And Bradley is watching TV...still in her pajamas.  Ugh...well, at least the house is relatively clean.

I take a long bubble bath and go to bed.

The next morning, I'm looking even bigger.  I don't even try calling Ryan.  He freaked when I was barely showing, who knows how he'll feel now.

Besides, I have a million errands to run.  I have recently bought some property in town and I have to go see about all that stuff, then I have to drop some produce off at the grocery store...

Then I have to meet with some accountants to discuss further investments.

As I'm leaving, I see Elliot and Aunt Kelsey.  He's in his suit and she's in some workout gear...I wonder if they ever spend time apart.

I decide to approach Elliot to show him how far along I am...I'm probably going to deliver today.

He rubs my belly and wonders since we're both hot-headed if the baby will be that way too.

After chatting for a bit, I know I'm going to go into labor soon, so I just go home and relax...until I hear the doorbell ring.

It's Ryan, who kisses me on the cheek when he sees me.
Ryan: We need to talk.

I let him in...looking at him still makes me weak at the knees.  I suddenly feel small and timid around him.
Me: What's going on?
Ryan: I'm sorry, babe.  I freaked out on you...I didn't mean's just...this is different than what I expected...
Me: What do you mean?
Ryan: I thought I could handle all this...having babies with other guys, being pregnant all the time...
Me: What about now?  Can you?
Ryan: I don't know...

Suddenly a contraction kicks in.
Me:  Whoa!  I'm going into labor.
Ryan turns around: I have to go.
He seems mad...I can't help but be pissed off.
Me: Are you seriously getting pissed at me and walking away while I'm having a baby?  Don't you think that's a little selfish?

Ryan turns around and flips out on me.
Ryan: What am I supposed to do Hadley?  It's not my baby...I don't know anything about having babies, being a parent...nothing.  I don't know if I'm ready for all this.

He continues with his freak out fest...
Ryan: I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing right look like you're in so much pain right now and I can't help you...what am I supposed to do?  Take you to a hospital?  Try to deliver it?  What?  I don't know...

He's really just pissing me off...
Me: Oh good don't have to do a damn thing, Ryan.  Just go home...I've had so many of these babies, they pretty much just walk out now...just go.

I go upstairs to my room and concentrate on bringing my next child into the world.  I can't let his crap get to me right now.

It's actually a pretty easy labor, even though the baby is taking awhile to come out...but I have a lot of time to think.

What the hell is that dude's problem?  I got this...I don't need him.

What the hell is wrong with him anyway?  I told him I was doing this's not like it's a surprise...

Finally the big one comes and the baby starts to come out.

Welcome to the world, Baby 73: Fiona Reed

And Baby 74: Veronica Reed!

After the babies are born, Ryan walks in my room.
Ryan: I'm sorry, Hadley...I'm sorry I freaked out...I didn't mean to...all this stuff just came on so quickly...and I just didn't know what to do...

Ryan: I bought you some roses...for me being such a jerk...and to celebrate the birth of your new babies.

I accept them.  No one has ever bought me anything in celebration of the births of my babies.  I am truly touched.

I hug him tightly.
Me: Awww, Ryan.  Thank you so much.  I love you.
Ryan: I love you too, babe.


  1. aw darn! i was looking forward to ryan's babies! but it's fine!! :)

  2. What is his deal? I can't remember are any of the babies by him? if not then I think he should be the next daddy, maybe it will make him feel a little better.

  3. Veronica is my name in real life! LOL :D

  4. Poor child discarded on the floor whilst waiting for mum to stop hugging possible daddy :D I loved the entry. I hope they find the missing child. I also see a dilemma coming between Ryan and Mason. Loved the last couple of entries, sorry for the no comments I've been all read and run lately. Your nearly three quarters of the way through, you'll be done in no time, how far are you in game??? I know you said you wanted to finish it before Pets came out so not much longer really.

  5. Just want to say, "Team Mason!" :)

  6. I don't know why but I get the funny feeling there's gonna be mason and ryan shaped conflict.

  7. My favorite line:

    "Just go home...I've had so many of these babies, they pretty much just walk out now...just go."


    I started to not like Ryan much in the beginning of the post but now I think I like him. I just didn't like his reactions to Hadley's pregnancy but it's totally understandable. YAY, almost to the end!

  8. @Claire, oh, don't discount him as a this point, I just don't want to have the same father for more than just a few kids...part of the fun for me is having all the different that would defeat the purpose.

    @jazen: he hasn't fathered any of them yet, but that's in the works...I agree, I think it would make him feel better about it.

    @Violet: Aww, that's pretty! I've always liked that name!

    @spiderg1rl: Hehehe, yeah, I thought that was sad too...she was like, here comes Ryan with flowers, lets just put her down right here...even though the nursery is right next door...LOL...but yeah, I see drama in the future...I actually spent all weekend playing and got through it, so I'm done in game, I just have to get the blogs out.

    @August: Hehehe, WOOT!

    @Skye: Your feelings be correct!

    @Cat: Haha, thanks, I like that line too! He's a little complicated...

  9. In the game, yes. I wanted to get done before pets came out, so I played all weekend...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Yeah, I got pets but I'm already done with her challenge...I haven't updated in awhile because I've been really busy lately. I'm gonna start another project soon tho, so I'll be using pets in it.

  12. I can't believe your done (in game)! congrats! :3

  13. I LOVE SVU!!! Elliot <3 I'm so upset that they wrote him out, and I think they're writing Liv out too. Not sure if I'll still watch the show with both of them gone. I'm also Team Mason :)

  14. @rodgers: Hehe, yay! I'm glad you like SVU, I'm a big fan too, and I hate that they wrote him out...this entry was actually inspired by my real life cousin, "Aunt Kaka"...she's obsessed...she even has an Elliot Stabler Facebook page! LOL And I'm glad you're Team Mason! Thanks for commenting!
