Sunday, October 9, 2011

Babies 67 & 68: Drama Free is the Way to Be!

The girls love their big brothers...and they have both been surprisingly helpful with them.
Soon, it's time for birthdays!

Randy has the long-haired rocker thing going on...

...while Cotton is much more clean cut.

This is Meredith...I think she's absolutely adorable...the perfect mix of her father and me.

Elizabeth has her father's nose and my eyes...

Susannah is a slightly darker version of me.  She even has my red hair.

Somehow, I got lucky with these girls.  They're all pretty easygoing and take well to learning their skills.  

Teaching them has been a treat.  When I'm working with one, the other two wait patiently and cheer their sister on.  Their bond amazes me.

Aren't they precious?

As easy as this is going, I find another baby daddy.  He's pretty good looking and he has gray eyes.  Hubba, hubba!

I start showing quickly...I wonder if I have more multiples to look forward to...

Very soon, the triplets have learned everything and it's their birthday.

"It's time to age up, Lizzie!" I tell her.
"I a big girl Mama!" Lizzie squeals excitedly.

"Me too, Mama, me too!" Meredith says.

Meredith is a free spirit.  She's into fashion and bright colors.

Elizabeth is already an eye-roller...she's all attitude.

Susannah is another little pistol...I really admire girls with spunk.

Eating dinner with all the kids, Kelley starts bugging me about becoming a teenager.  He and Sybil are both on the honor roll, so I agree.

Kelley looks like a blonde version of Elvis, his father.

Sybil is gorgeous...she has my sister's piercing blue eyes.

Just when I think everything is calm and I have some time to go downstairs and do some painting, I go into labor...just my luck!  LOL

First out is a peaches and cream little boy, Baby 67: Everett Reed

Next up, a little girl, Baby 68: Julie Reed.

Have you all figured out the naming trend yet?  I'm going to start leaving hints:

Babies So Far:

Hint #1: It's a movie.

Hope y'all like the update...I know there's not a whole lot of drama in Hadley's life right now, but I'm wanting to keep it drama free for a little bit!


  1. i know the movie (:
    The Family Stone .

    Dont you need Amy ?

  2. Meredith is adorable! I loved it! And your foos-ball table is awesome! :)

  3. The triplets are so cute! I love how they all look so different.

    Hey, sometimes we all need a little less drama in our lives and Hadley definitely deserves a break. :)

  4. Smpp99, that's it...her mom's name is Amy, so I'm probably not going to have an Amy...but there are some others on the way.

    Paisley, I think it's from the store, but I can't remember for sure.

    Cat, I completely agree! Hopefully I'll get a little more storyline in soon tho.

  5. Claire, thanks! I didn't forget u... My dialogue box on my phone was hiding ur post! Ahh! Lol

  6. Wow, I can't believe how Sybil turned out! Gorgeous! Everett and Julie are cuties! Congrats on twins and multi genders!

  7. Amazing post Cassie. I love how all the kids look so different from each other, but they all have some feature in common with Hadley.

  8. I should try drama free.

    Is the movie The Family Stone?

  9. @Skye: Thanks! I can really take no credit...they just happen to end up that way...I notice a lot of her kids have her eyes.

    @jazen: You shouldn't change a think about your blog! I'm just getting lazy! LOL You're right! The movie is The Family Stone.
