Monday, October 1, 2012

Gen. 2: Babies 46, 47, & 48 pt. 2: Only I Would Worry About Not Throwing Up

I wake up the next morning feeling so much better, and smelling not funk, but a refreshing vanilla/pumpkin scent.  For a second, I just relax and inhale.  Ahh, refreshing!

Niyah and Tani are for once sitting quietly in their cribs, playing with their creepy dolls.  Of course, they see that I'm awake and start with the, "Mamamamamamamama" but for some reason, much quieter than normal.

BONNIE: Okay, who wants some breakfast?
NIYAH & TANI: Meeeeeeeee!

That's pretty much the extent of their vocabulary: any "m" words...Mama, mine, me...pretty much it.  Everything else is *abnormally high pitched squeal or scream*.

So I get them both up and put them in their high chairs with breakfast and turn around to notice a note on the couch.

Hey babe, got the cleaning done, 
the pets fed, and took a quick nap on the couch before heading out.  
Kids are already at school.  Watched them leave from a distance.
Hope you have a great day! - B.

My phone rings right then.  Hmm, maybe he does have psychic powers...

BONNIE: How did you know I would be awake?
BRENDAN: You have been sleeping for twelve hours, I figured you were awake by now.
BONNIE: Oh, well, you were right.
BRENDAN: So how does everything look?
BONNIE: did you get it all done in one night?
BRENDAN: I'm like Santa Claus, baby, magical.

That makes me crack up.

We talk for a few minutes before I have to work with the girls on their skills.

Needless to say, I'm in a much better mood than I was in last night.  I play with the girls a little before starting on their skills.

BONNIE: Who wants to learn to walk today?

Yeah, I don't get a Meeeeeeee this time, but I don't care.  Someone is learning to walk today and it ain't gonna be me...cuz...well, I already know how....but that's beside the point.

I have plenty of time to work with Niyah and Tani before the kids get home from school.

Joy of joys, Taber and Zivah have made A's!  It's time for these kids to grow up and help me around here!

Taber is getting cuter by the day and I think he plans on being the local heartthrob in town. 

Zivah is pretty, but still carries extra weight.  It doesn't seem to bother her all that much though and if she's fine with it, so am I.

It's too soon to be sure, but Niyah and Tani are already having sharing problems.  Any time one of them has a toy, the other one starts with the "Mine!  Mine!  Mine!" chant.  It's all I can do to keep one from snatching things out of the other's hands.

My other set of twins show solidarity for their first day of high school.  Zivah is nervous, but Taber is confident that no one will mess with him, and no one will mess with his sister.

Speaking of sisters, remember how my sister Illena was pregnant?  Well, she gave birth to a little girl named Genevieve and I just got a picture in the mail.

Jennifer is beautiful with blonde hair (that weird recessive gene that pops up in our family every now and then), and big brown eyes.

She is so cute that I have to ask Illena who the father is.  I know she's not in a romantic relationship with them.

Turns out Genevieve's father was Aqua Coral, a friend of Laura Johanson, a former challenge mom turned legacy founder.  Either way, Caroline told me he hangs out at the local vampire bar.  Hmm, I hope he's not a vampire.

Sure enough, I catch up with Aqua in Crypt O' Night, the local vamp bar.

AQUA: OMG!  You're Bonnie Reed, right?
BONNIE: Uh...yeah...
AQUA: I heard you lived here...I'm a big fan!
BONNIE: Oh...uh...well, thanks.
AQUA: I keep up with the various challenge mothers pretty well, it's kind of a hobby, I guess.

I start feeling like a broken record, but Aqua seems really nice.
However, as we talk, there is apparently someone here who is not so much a fan of me.

I don't know who this chick is, but for some reason she starts booing me...what the hell?

Anyway...back to my conversation with Aqua.

AQUA: Your kids are so adorable! *gush, gush*
BONNIE: *bloated head* Aww, well, ya' know...I'm just lucky I guess.
AQUA: Stop being so modest!
BONNIE: Well, I'm glad you're such a fan, because I was wondering if you would be willing to be a father in my challenge?
AQUA: Are you serious?!  Of course!!!

Well that was easy.

The next day, I am bound and determined to get Niyah walking.  She has been dragging her feet (literally), but I want to get the girls aged up since there's a new baby coming....or at least I think I'm pregnant.  I heard a lullaby last night, but I have no morning sickness.  It's a little early, but I usually start feeling sick pretty quickly.

Either way, I have to get Niyah walking today.

BONNIE: Are you ready to walk today, Niyah?
NIYAH: No! (Newest word added to her vocabulary)
BONNIE: Please help Mama, baby.  Let's try.
NIYAH: Nooooo!  I sit.

With that she plops herself down on the carpet.  Shoo...sometimes I wish stubbornness wasn't such a dominant trait in my family.

Thankfully I finally get her going and she learns to walk!

It's birthday time for these girls!

Niyah still looks a lot like me and likes to wear her hair with braids and a scarf.

Tanison looks a lot like her father, and is more of a glamour girl.  She likes wearing her hair in a curly side ponytail.

Almost the whole day has passed and I still haven't had any morning sickness.  I'm starting to think I'm not pregnant.

It must be one of those days though because when the kids get home from school, I hear nothing but fighting.  Elj is muttering to himself about who-knows-what, and Taber is picking on Zivah relentlessly. 

He's walking around behind her constantly scaring her, which of course means I have to listen to "MOOOOOMMM!!!!  Taber won't leave me alone!" all afternoon.


I'm surrounded by my whining children when my phone rings.  It's Brendan!

He asks me out to a club and I jump at the chance to get out of the house.

I tell the kids I'm going and silently pray that they won't kill each other while I'm gone.

We meet outside of the club first...and he's all lovey toward me...
he heads inside first and I tell him I'll be right in behind him.

Of course, as I am about to walk in the club, I start showing.  Hmph.  What a time to show up kid!




    I just started a legacy.

    1. Btw, I really like your legacy. It's what inspired me to do the 100 baby challenge.

    2. Thank you! I'll definitely check it out!
