Friday, October 12, 2012

Gen. 2: Silly Rabbit, Vacations Are For People Without Children!

It's Birthday time in the Reed household once again, and I can say I'm pretty excited that there are going to be a few more self-sufficient (sort of) children in the house and not as many totally dependent toddlers!

Rione continues to look just like his father...and I think he has his big-freakin-dork gene...but hopefully he'll get a slightly-cool gene from me...(really, Bonnie?  Really?  You have a slightly-cool gene?  Okay, maybe not, but shut up, inner monologue!)

Adovie also looks like her father...and is shy and reserved like her father and brother, but hopefully having tons of siblings around all the time will bring her out of her shell.

Well, since Von, Niyah, and Tanison aged into teenagers together, they are all ready to embark on adulthood at the same time.  Can't say I'm happy about losing three of my babies at once, but what can I do?  Nothing, that's what...I pretty much just have to sit back, shut up, and let them do their thing.

Von is one good lookin' man, if I do say so myself.  Coming from Smith and Reed stock does a boy some good apparently...but don't think he's perfect, oh no, he has unfortunately picked up the sticky fingers/klepto trait and has big dreams of stealing lots of stuff...what's a mother to do?  *Sigh, shut up*

Niyah on the other hand, is Ms. Prim and Proper.  She would make a super snazzy librarian, but she has bigger aspirations, like being Leader of the Free World!  Moo-hahahaha!  Maybe she can make sure her brother stays on the right path, or at least never gets caught.

Tanison also has big dreams.  She wants to sort of follow in her father's footsteps and become an International Super Spy.  Well dayum!  This batch has proven to be an ambitious bunch!

As three of my children are graduating and moving on, two of them are embarking on school for the first time.

Showing her inner-nerd, Adovie is excited.  Is she excited about meeting friends and joining scouts or clubs? No, this child is excited about all the new pens, paper, pencils, and other school supplies I am hooking her up with.  And she can't wait to have homework...yes, you read that right, homework...what is wrong with this child?  I am more concerned about her than I am with the one that steals.

Well, I'm glad she's excited because I am excited to send her and Rione off to school on the first day along with their sisters.

I am perfectly content with Serge and Julianna at home.
As soon as I get them both down for naps, I get a call from my beau.

BONNIE: Hey!  I was just thinking about you!
BRENDAN: I'm always thinking about you, hot stuff!
BONNIE: oh how you talk!  *sarcasm*
BRENDAN: Yeah, you given anymore thought to going with me to Lucky Palms?
BONNIE: I don't know...I just had these babies...
BRENDAN: Bonnie, the last time I asked you couldn't go because you were pregnant...I'm starting to think you are always either pregnant or have small children in the house...and I'm willing to accept that, but you need to be able to live your life too.
BONNIE: Hold on, this is my life...the life I chose.  I understand that choosing this life means that there are some things I just can't of which run off on vacay with my boyfriend.
BRENDAN: Don't think of this as a vacation with your boyfriend.  You're looking into a new place to make a home for you and your family.  Think about it.  What is keeping you on Legacy Island?
BONNIE: I really love my house...did you know my grandmother designed this house for me?
BRENDAN: That's great babe...
BONNIE: And I love the location...having a house right by the ocean is perfect...
BRENDAN: We have water in Lucky Palms.
BONNIE: You are poo-pooing on my magic.
BRENDAN: I'm not saying it's not magical, but...
BONNIE: And this is where I have raised all of my children up to this point...
BRENDAN: Your mother moved, didn't she?
BONNIE: Yeah, but that was because she had a crazy vampire after her...
BRENDAN: Hmm, you'll have to tell me that story sometime, but seriously, don't you think she had the same worries?
BONNIE: Yes, but...
BRENDAN: And why did she end up back in Butterfly Acres?
BONNIE: To be closer to her family....
BRENDAN: And you would be moving to be closer to you really care about me, Bonnie?
BONNIE: Come on, that's not fair and you know it...
BRENDAN: I know, but I'm not asking you to abandon everything and run away with me...just a vacation...
BONNIE: Hmph...let me think about it.
BRENDAN: Is that a possible yes?
BONNIE: Geez, you're worse than my kids!  It's a maybe...with a side of "don't bug me about it anymore."
BRENDAN: Yes m'am!
BONNIE: Okay smart ass.
BRENDAN: So what's on the agenda for tonight?
BONNIE: Rieba, Adara, and Emeri have been bugging me to age into teenagers, so we're probably going to go ahead and do that.  Do you want to come over for their birthday party?  They would love it if they could see you again.
BRENDAN: Ooh, sure...
BONNIE: Just be warned...they are going to be teenage girls...don't do anything too dreamy.
BRENDAN: Haha, I'll try to contain myself.

Well, turns out Brendan has something that keeps him busy for the beginning of the birthday party, but he promises to be there later.

BONNIE: Okay girls, to the birthday cakes!
INCOHERENT CHILD VOICES: Yay!  Woo-hoo!  Yippie!

First up is Rieba who looks a lot like me but has curly magenta hair and bright aqua-colored eyes.  No, those are not contacts.  She has enough alterations with the lip piercing she insisted on.

Adara is Ms. Spunky.  She's another fashionista with a lot of attitude...what child of mine doesn't have attitude?

Emeri is still the sweetest kid...and she has the biggest, prettiest green eyes.

Late at night, when the kids are in bed, Brendan finally makes it to my house.

BRENDAN: So, have you made up your mind?
BONNIE: *Sigh* I really want to...I's just...I worry about the kids...

BRENDAN: Bonnie, the kids will be fine.  You've got three great teenage girls that can keep everything running until you get back...
BONNIE: Yeah, young teenage girls...I don't know...
BRENDAN: Do you trust them?
BRENDAN: Okay, do you trust your ability to raise good kids?
BONNIE: Well, yeah...
BONNIE: You're right...I just worry...I've never left for a long weekend before.
BRENDAN: They'll be fine, and if not, leave them enough money to hire a sitter.
BONNIE: Yeah, I guess you're right...
BRENDAN: Wait, I'm what?  *sarcasm, evil grin*
BONNIE: Okay, I'm glad you're proud of yourself.
BRENDAN: Baby, you're going to love Lucky Palms.  There's so much to won't be sorry.
BONNIE: I hope not.

Nothing like a kiss to seal the deal.  I really do hope I'm making the right decision.  I really, really want to go with him, and hell, I could use the vacation, but I do worry about the kids.  I don't know if they will know what to do without me here.

I worry about it all night, then when I wake up, I see Emeri holding Serge, rocking him to sleep and putting him in his crib.

BONNIE: Hey sweetie, you didn't have to do that...
EMERI: It's okay Mom...I was walking past your room and heard that you were still asleep, but Serge was cooing like he was just about to start wailing, so I thought I would take care of him and let you rest a bit longer.

BONNIE: Well...thank will make a good mom some day...
EMERI: I hope so.  I can't wait to have my own kids.
BONNIE: Even after having all these siblings?
EMERI: Of course.

Emeri reminds me of myself a bit when I was her age...except for having an evil sister.

BONNIE: I have a question honey...
EMERI: What would you think if I went away for the weekend...and left you in charge?

EMERI: Me?  I don't know...I'm not the oldest or anything...
BONNIE: Your sisters are older than you by minutes, and I would leave all three of you in charge of the house, but...would you be comfortable being in the house without me for the weekend...taking care of your baby siblings and making sure Rione and Adovie don't do any science experiments that blow themselves, each other, or the house up?
EMERI: hmm...Adara can be my muscle...
BONNIE: Haha!  That's probably you think the three of you can manage without me for a weekend?

EMERI: You know what Mom?  I think we can.  You should go and have a good time.

After thinking about it a bit longer, I decide I may as well live while I can.
I pack a bag, call Brendan, and with that, we're on our way.


  1. Woo!!!!!

    I still think he HAS to be a criminal or something,but this should be fun to see.

    Can't wait!


    1. Mama, I'm in love with a criminal! Ahhh! LOL He definitely has a story! Thanks!
