Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Gen. 2: Babies 49 & 50 Pt. 1: Private Eyes and Profilers

Brendon's tone kind of worries me, but I tell him I have to get my new babies settled before I can go anywhere.  He understands, so I get off the phone with him to tend to my girls.

Even though triplets are typically a handful, these three seem pretty sweet right now.  Of course, being only hours old, they have only just begun to drive me crazy.

I get them all settled in swings and get to work on household things...

First things first, I haven't sculpted in FOREVER, so I thought I would give it a shot for a bit.  I don't really get very far when I get a phone call...

BRENDAN: Hey gorgeous!
BONNIE: Hi there, handsome!
BRENDAN: So when are we going to get together?
BONNIE: Impatient are we?
BRENDAN: Yeah, well...I just...miss you.
BONNIE: Aww, sweetie, I miss you too.  
BRENDAN: So when can we meet?
BONNIE: Hmm, let me check on the girls and set up a sitter, and I'll meet you...where should we go?
BRENDAN: How about the movie theater?  We can catch a show...

So Brendan and I plan to meet at the theater.  I wonder what he wants to talk to me about.

Turns out he doesn't beat around the bush when we get together.  He wants to go right into the chit-chat.

BRENDAN: I really like you, you know that, right?
BONNIE: Of course, I really like you too...
BRENDAN: Well...I've got something to tell you...and ask you...
BONNIE: Okay...
BRENDAN: I would like nothing more than to ask you to be my girlfriend, but in order to do that, I want to be honest with you...
BONNIE: Um..okay...
BRENDAN: Have you ever wondered how I already seem to know everything about you?  Like your phone number...and where you live...and that you are a challenge mother?
BONNIE: Well, yeah...but...I don't know, I never really thought about it.
BRENDAN:'s actually because...I'm not really a maid.
BONNIE: Umm...okay...then what are you?
BRENDAN: I have been here working on an undercover job with my employers back in Lucky Palms.

BONNIE: What?!  Why didn't you tell me?
BRENDAN: I'm sorry...I couldn't...I couldn't compromise my employers are...pretty hardcore...
BONNIE: Hardcore meaning...?
BRENDAN: They're kind I reveal too much....
BONNIE: Are you working for the government or something?

This makes him laugh.  Hmm, okay, and why is this funny?
BRENDAN: No, nothing like that...quite the opposite, actually.
BONNIE: You are confusing me...
BRENDAN: Well, who they are isn't really important...just that...well...would you want to be my girlfriend?
BONNIE: Of course...

BRENDAN: Here's the thing...I'm going to have to be going back to Lucky Palms...
BONNIE: For how long?
BRENDAN: Awhile...
BONNIE: Brendan!!
BRENDAN: I'm sorry babe, I just...didn't expect to fall for you...
BONNIE: So that makes things better?
BRENDAN: I'm sorry...I've...relationships have been hard for me...
BONNIE: They've been hard on me too, but lying never helps anything.
BRENDAN: I know, and I really am sorry...
BONNIE: I don't know if repeating that over and over again is helping.
BRENDAN: I know...look, I just...I want you to think about going back with me to Lucky Palms.
BONNIE: WHAT?!  I can't do that...

BRENDAN: You won't even think about it?
BONNIE: I can't abandon my challenge...
BRENDAN: I'm not asking you to.  Just to move to a different can have a house there...
BONNIE: I don't know...
BRENDAN: Look, just...come back with me for the weekend...and make up your mind that way..
BONNIE: I don't know, I'm going to have to think about it...
BRENDAN: Okay, well, think about it...Bonnie, you are so special...and you mean so much to me...I would hate to lose you...
BONNIE: You won't...
BRENDAN: I've...I've had my heart broken isn't something I want to experience again...
BONNIE: No one likes getting their heart broken...
BRENDAN: Especially not me...
BONNIE: Okay, I'll make a deal with you.  I'll promise to be careful with your heart if you are careful with mine...
BRENDAN: *smiles* Deal.



When we get home from school, Mom is out and there's a baby-sitter watching the girls.  I send him on his way as we all work on our homework, scrounge up some dinner and take care of the little ones.  Of course, Eljavon is being a pain as usual.

ELJAVON: I'm so tired...
ZIVAH: So go to bed.
ELJAVON: You're not the boss of me!  I can go to bed whenever I want!
ZIVAH: I might not be your boss, but Mom is, and she's a phone call away...
ELJAVON: *yawning* You wouldn't call her...
ZIVAH: I would in a heartbeat.
ELJAVON: Awww...sis, come on.
ZIVAH: Don't "aww, sis" me.  Go upstairs and take a shower and go to bed.
ELJAVON: I have to shower?!
ZIVAH: Did I stutter?

Thankfully, he shuffles upstairs eventually.  Ugh.  Kids.  I don't know if I'll ever want any after having to deal with my younger siblings.

At least I have Taber to help me with the babies.  Where in the heck is Mom tonight?


After the movie, I am heading home when I see a familiar face.

It's Jesse Everard, another challenge kid from Skye Everard's baby challenge!

BONNIE: Hey stranger!
JESSE: Hey hot stuff!  Fancy seeing you here!  I was just going to call you...
BONNIE: Awesome!  What's been going on with you?
JESSE: Oh, you know, same old, same old.  I was wanting to see if you needed a challenge father any time soon...
BONNIE: Me?  Always!  Do you want to participate?
JESSE: That was going to be the idea...
BONNIE: Hmm, well, give me a call and we'll set it up...
JESSE: Will do!

Before I can get home, nature calls and need to find a bathroom head into a little hole in the wall bar.

And run into none other than Spencer Reid...that friend of Derek Morgan's I talked about before...

SPENCER: Bonnie!  I was just looking for you!  I was wondering if you need a challenge father right now?  I would l-l-love to be a part...

He stutters through his speech...he's super smart and according to Derek really cool, but I just don't see it...

BONNIE: Uh, yeah...sure...
SPENCER: Great!  When?  Are you pregnant now?  Do you...want to...?
BONNIE: Um...yeah...let me just...freshen up...and we can go back to my place...

SPENCER: Fantastic!  I'll wait here...
BONNIE: Great.

So I leave him at the bar while I hit the ladies room.  Whew, can't a girl get a break?

Spencer drives and I think he's nervous because he keeps shaking and making random comments.

BONNIE: Are you okay?
SPENCER: W-who?  Me...y-y-yes, of course...
BONNIE: You know, we don't have to do this the old fashioned way...if you want to go to the clinic, they can handle it there...
SPENCER: N-no-n-no, that's okay.  I-I-I'll be fine.
BONNIE: Okay...

Thankfully he actually is.  He's obviously inexperienced, but I guess I just assumed that already.  Either way, by the end of the night, I am pregnant with my next baby.


  1. o.O That was a shock. *A Wild Skye-Child Appears*

    I'm glad he's happy and well since Paisley left him. Um... brilliant post as usual. And all that other jazz. I'm terrible at commenting. Yeah.



    1. Hehe, I'm glad you liked seeing him...I thought he would be a good will see children from him later on...I have so many updates to write! Thanks for commenting! Comments are like pizza, there are no bad ones!
