Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Goodbye, Cornucopia, Hello Bridgeport

So, I've almost got you caught up. The kids are gone and the house is getting packed....we're almost to Bridgeport...


As I looked around the now nearly empty room, I couldn't help but want to cry. This house has meant so much to me. This room was where all my kids learned to walk. The dining room table was where we all ate dinner. The backyard had so many happy memories of weekends out by the pool...I had just lost my children, now my house...and was about to move to a new city because my vampire friend had proven to be a danger to me. How could someone lose nearly everything she had in less than a week?

As I walked through the house, I found myself in the study. The only thing left to be packed was the easel. I thought that was so appropriate because that was the first thing I ever bought when I moved out on my own. I can't help but smile, remembering that first little house I lived in that was practically empty except for the easel and a computer...and sleeping in a sleeping bag because I didn't have enough money for a bed. Being a professional artist has actually proven to be quite lucrative for me. I am going to get about 250,000 simoleons from selling the house and I already have about 500,000 in savings. It was going to come in handy buying my new apartment though.

Looking at everything so empty and cold was too much for me to handle and I sat down on the floor and sobbed.

Butch walked into the room mid-meltdown for me.
"It's going to be ok, baby," he assured me.
I replied as I continued to sob, "I know, it's just so..."
He pulled me up off the floor and into a hug and let me lean my head on his broad shoulder.
"Okay," I said as I dried up my tears, "we need to get on the road if we're going to get to Bridgeport by morning."


We get to Bridgeport as the sun is coming up...well, it's kind of hard to tell with all the smog, but I am assuming the sun is there somewhere. I slept up until Butch gently nudged me, "Home sweet home, babe."
I looked up at the 20 story building and wondered if I will ever consider it home. I'm not really much of a city person. I was raised in a small town and I lived in small town...yeah, just call me John Mellencamp.

Even though I was dreading it, I got out of the limo (being a five-star celebrity has its perks) and walk into the all blue entry way.
Anyway, I bought a penthouse apartment on the eighteenth floor. The building has a community pool and hot tub, so that's nice. The apartment itself has four bedrooms, two baths, kitchen, living room, and dining room. My real estate agent told me I would be pleased, but that remains to be seen.
Butch and I got into the elevator and headed up to the eighteenth floor.

As we walked out of the elevator into the entry way in front of my apartment, I froze.
"I don't want to go in, Butch," I told him.
"Why?" he asked.
"Because then it will be real," I confessed. Irrational, I know, but it was the way I felt.
But finally he convinced me to go inside and look around.

I walk in the door and to the left of me was a doorway with a beautiful dining room.

As I walked into the living room and took a left, there was the living room decorated in a deep yellow with beige, brown, white, & green accent colors.

The other side of living room...

On the other side of the dining room is where the kitchen and little bitty laundry room is. I had to use one of the security camera photos to show you those. Yes, Vishous installed a serious security system in my apartment. Can we say "overprotective"?

My kitchen was top of the line and chic...I didn't feel cool enough to stand in it. It has an exposed brick wall and stainless steel appliances.

Of course, I was put at ease when I saw the children's eating area. I longed to fill this apartment with the sounds of children. I believed it would do my heart good.

I took a picture of the towel rack in the kid's bathroom because it is so cute! The whole room is decorated around this little green caterpillar hook.

Of course, there's always room for class, even in a child's bathroom.

I also have all new bathroom fixtures.

At the very end of the hall is my room. I do like the vanity they put in.

My Dresser...

The above view of my bathroom. It's very simple...black and white.

The hallway...the view from my door.

The toddler's room is right next to mine. There are four cribs in there, so there really isn't any room for much else. I had the decorator make the room gender neutral because the apartment only has four bedrooms, enough for mine, a nursery, a boys room and a girls room.

The top view of the nursery.

The girls' room...very girly, but also very classy. I really like it.

The computer...

The boys room...it's really simple...

The first thing I did was paint. I thought it would relax me. I also bought a computer for the living room and a bookshelf. I had them delivered to the apartment so I wouldn't have to leave.

While I was painting, I couldn't help but start to cry from time to time. I had spent so much time in a house full of children and this apartment was too quiet.

I think Butch was afraid I was loosing it...
"Hey sweets," he said, "It's going to be okay."

"I can't do this, Butch," I sobbed into his Armani suit, "it hurts too much."

"Okay, that's enough," Butch said, "your agent called a minute ago and he said you have a standing gig to dance at The Brightmore tonight. Let's go out."
"I couldn't possibly..." I started.
"I don't want to hear it," he said, "we're going."
I never thought anyone would actually pout about going out to a club, but I assure you, I did.
"It's still daytime...I just want to go take a nap..." I argued.
"No, it doesn't open until 5:30, but let's go look around first, hell, it's a city, let's explore it!" Butch tried to be upbeat for me, which I thought was a bit funny because he doesn't exactly seem like one of those "glass-half-full" types.

As I sat in the limo, I looked out and pouted. I saw nothing that enticed me.

Just buildings...

Big metal structures that seemed to serve no purpose...*sigh*

First Butch and I checked out the art gallery. I needed to speak with the curator about payment arrangements for my paintings anyway. Before leaving Cornucopia, I had decided to go back into art. It makes me a whole lot happier than hacking...and it's legal.

Butch tried to get into the gallery, but I don't think it's his thing.

I must admit, looking at the paintings and sculptures was relaxing for me.
"What the hell?" Butch asked as he looked at that flamingo sculpture, "What is this doing here?"
"It's art," I said.
"Well, my granny had a bunch of these sculptures in her front yard when I was growing up...and can guaran-damn-tee you they weren't this expensive." He commented.
I smiled at him. Thank goodness Butch had decided to stay. Apparently he anticipated that I would need someone.

The next play we went was a park that was perfect for kids. Apparently Bridgeport had a "revitalization" project going on...basically meaning they planned on planting more trees and getting rid of some of the eyesore buildings, but this park was one of the first things they added.
I sat on the park bench and longed for my children.

Here's another pic of the park...it has a lot of stuff in it, but it's on concrete, not grass...hmm...I guess it would have to do.

Butch and I realized we were right next to the Brightmore and we had about an hour before it opened, so we decided to play some chess. I was kicking his ass! Hehe!

Next stop, The Brightmore. We had to get in another freakin' elevator to get downstairs to the club.

The club promoters were excited I had moved to Bridgeport, so I posed for lots of pictures.

And danced...

Butch had hardly any rhythm...he's not much of a dancer, but he tried for me. He really is a sweetie, even though he doesn't see that side to himself.

I ordered us some drinks...they were called "Pink Bunnies" the bartender was really attractive...but that's what I've heard about Bridgeport...it's a mecca for really attractive celebrities.

After a few drinks, I decided to get in the hot tub. I was feeling pretty good.

Okay, so Butch and I were pretty wasted...and...uh, well...he got in the hot tub too...and then I dared him to skinny dip...then he dared me...and...well, you can just guess what happened then...*guilty look*

We also made out for awhile...man, he was a good kisser...I think I just needed to be comforted and he was more than happy to oblige. So...that's all that has happened this past week. Now you're caught up!


So...that's all that has happened this past week. Now you're caught up! I have a whole new look and I am struggling with living in a new city...

Butch is already awake. He's watching TV, so I come join him.
"Damn, girl!" he comments on my new look, "You look smokin! A little plastic, but definitely hot!"
I laugh, "Thanks. It's different, but I feel like I need a change. So, how's about I whip up some breakfast?"

"Um, Hadley," Butch starts, "I'm going to need to be going soon..."

I am a little shocked, but I knew that he couldn't stay forever.
"Um, ok, Butch," I start, "I can't say I'm not going to miss your company, but I understand."

I help him get ready to go and then we say goodbye.
"Thank you so much for all you have done for me," I say, "you really worked hard for me and I appreciate it. You have no idea how much you've helped me."

Butch pulls me into a hug.
"I'm going to miss you, girl," he says.

"Thank you again, Butch," I say, "really...thank you."
With that, he leaves...and I am alone in the apartment.

The first thing I do is fix myself a PB&J...my favorite...

Then, I get a call to dance at another club, so I go there...it's Aqua-something...I can't remember the name.

I talk to the bouncer and ask if I can get in.
"Are you kidding?" he asks me.
"No...so, can I get in?" I reply.
"Dude, you're like, the most famous celebrity we have in town right now, you can walk into any club you want." he replies.
Well, ok...I didn't realize...I am just a small town girl after all...

Of course, I get into the club and feel nauseous. Maybe it's all the smog?

I get over it quickly and get a drink. It's a really cool club with a pool...

...and a hot tub...ahhh, exactly what I need.

I shake it on the dance floor like they want me too...in my new bikini!
Then I head home. I'm actually pretty tired.

It's the next morning and I am sick...that's weird...I didn't really think I drank that much, but I guess I did.

Well, soon I realize why I've been puking....turns out that night of drunken sex that Butch and I had lead to a baby...I'm pregnant with Baby 32! That does lift my spirits quite a bit.

Even though I'm excited to be pregnant, I am still so bored...I get hold of the bouncer from the club last night to see if he wants to hang out.

We meet up at the gym...I need to work hard if I want to keep my new "Bridgeport body" in shape...

I work out hardcore...

Then I hit the club again to do some dancing...

As I come home, I almost get eaten by the damn elevator! Ugh, I am sooo not a city girl!

As I face another day alone, I realize that I need to make some friends...hmm, hopefully I'll figure out how to get some...

***Question: When I write the dialog, do you like the more integrated dialog where I write "he said", "she said" or whatever, or do you like the listed dialog where I write Me: blah, blah? Which one do you prefer?***


  1. Either one works in my opinion hun. I know why you do it, its only so many times you can say he said before you think your repeating yourself but either works for me as really it's necessary.

    She's pregnant yay!!! I need to start catching up with her, but my game is being an idiot. I really hope she manages to settle down in Bridgeport as I can't see her wanting to make a move again not after this one

  2. Your apartment there makes me wanna open a save file and move to Bridgeport! O.o It's awesomely decorated. :D

    I'll go the same as spiderg1rl, either way looks right.

  3. I like it using the Me: Him: type stuff… its easier to follow :) but great post!! I love the story! 10/10 :D <3

  4. @spiderg1rl: Hmm, thanks for the input! I know what you mean...my game started to act funny for awhile...don't worry about lagging behind...I probably won't be able to post as many updates as I did last month...LOL

    @Destiny: Thank you so much! I decorated it and I really love it too! I haven't played Bridgeport in forever either...

    @Catherine: Thanks so much!

    @Cat: He is, isn't he? I think he pretty much had to be because Hadley was a mess! LOL

    Thanks to all of you for the input about my dialog style...I am finding it a little easier to write the integrated dialog because I can mention facial expressions and body language easier, but I like using the listed dialog for longer conversations. So...I'm still not sure what I want to do

  5. i like the me: blah blach butch: blah blah. just chose a name! hmmm... i have a feeling i know who those friends are! can't wait to see it! :)

  6. I like the integrated type more. Great post!

  7. Loved the post!! I agree, I like the me: blah blah him:blah blah type a bit better than 'he said' and 'she said'.
    Im really excited to see how the kids turn out!

  8. Great post! I like the list type better for long conversations, because the he said/she said gets repetitive. I prefer the he said/she said better for short conversations, though. Using synonyms for 'said' also helps, such as 'replied' 'shouted' etc.

  9. i love the girls' room, i was wondering if you could put some of it on exchange, mainly the bunk beds, so i can stop buying 400 beds!!!!

  10. @Paisley: Thanks for the input!

    @Violet: Thank you! They'll be in the next post!

    @rodgers: Thanks! Yeah, I think I'm going to do a combination of both...way to be indecisive, I know...LOL

    @Maple: Thank you! The bunk beds come with Generations, but I think I saw bunk beds on someone else's blog once pre-Generations...I would check the Sims Resource first...that's where it's most likely to be.
