Thursday, August 11, 2011

Babies 37 & 38: City Life is Really Getting to Me

Kurt hit his toddler years before I knew it. Like so many of my children, he looks just like me except that his hair is dark brown like his father's.

He was generally a sweet long as he got his way...

I realized I couldn't take him out in public a whole lot because the paparazzi always bombarded us. He about had a fit when I told him he had to get off the seahorse!

Look at that face! LOL...I don't know how he can stick his lip out that far.

The paparazzi wouldn't stop snapping pictures until I grossed them out by puking...hey, it's part of my super mom powers! LOL So, I guess it goes without saying, but I'm pregnant again! This time around it was a mail-order daddy! I'm kind of off the club scene right now. It turns out that even though I did have a little too much to drink, Mr. Sheen, winner that he is, slipped something into my drinks...that's why I had so much trouble remembering. Yeah, he's a hell of a winner. Word to the wise: guys can buy you drinks, just make sure you see it going from the bartender's hands to yours.

This next baby daddy is Helmut Whitaker. He's kind of cute, but he looks so serious! I wonder if the children I have from him will share his serious glare.

My sweet Merci aged into a teenager...she also had to have some "corrective" surgery because her doctor told me she would have issues later on with eating, breathing, and seeing. I'm not really sure how much I actually believe him or how much he was just dying to do reconstructive surgery on her because she didn't fit in with all the plastic people around here.

This is what she looked like afterward. She is happy with it, so I guess that's all that matters. Still, it has me thinking.

Kurt also grew up quickly on me. He still looks like me, but he has Charlie's hair. I guess I'm thankful of that this time. I kind of don't want any reminders of my indiscretion.

I have been trying to have some good wholesome family fun lately, so the kids and I went to HydroWorld.

We swam all was a blast! It's not every day you can be outside in the city, so I was thankful for this one.

Soon enough, I went into labor...yeowch! That pain always surprises would think it wouldn't, especially for a person that's been through this so many times.

While I was in the hospital, Puck ordered pizza for himself, Merci, and Kurt. He also tried to charm the delivery woman. I swear, that kid has something about him! LOL

After giving birth, the last thing you want to do is get on the dang subway, but I had to just to get home. Grr.

Without further ado, I'd like to introduce Baby 37: Blaine Reed...

...and his twin brother, Baby 38: Jessie Reed!

I aged them up pretty quickly. They were almost identical except Blaine has brown eyes from his father.

Jessie has my eyes...of course, the boys look just like me.

The boys are as sweet as they can be, but I have been really out of it lately. I'm tired of living in the city, not having a back yard, having to ride the subway...and not having any room to turn around in this apartment. I'm going to have to think about what I want to do...meanwhile, I order another vile of baby daddy...

This guy's name is Cordell Lawrence...quite a honker on him, isn't it? LOL I'm hoping for some more unique genetics.

As for what I'm going to do...I still don't know...I've thought about moving into one of the houses across the bridge, but that won't keep me from having to take the friggin' subway every time I have a baby.

Oh, here's another thing...Kurt buzzed right through elementary school and into his teen years. He's apparently very advanced. Even though he looks like me, there's a certain roughness about him that I can only assume is from his father.

***Still having some major freezing issues, but I'm hoping they will be resolved soon. I keep having to delete everyone in the town...probably why Hadley's kids all end up looking just like her.***


  1. Just delete anyone you don't need bar a couple of families so the kids have someone to see. Also have you tried seeing if the transporter will get you straight to the hospital?? You still have to ride the subway back but thats one half of the journey not on the subway. I've not tried it as Melody is in Sunset Valley so no subways but it may work a little.

  2. Awesome post! Your babies are all SO cute!

  3. nice post! that is how my problems started...

  4. Kurt's pouting faces were adorable! Also, I love the Glee names you're using. Blaine is like my all time favorite Glee character. Not to creep you out or anything but I was (an still am) listening to "Bills Bills Bill" sung by the Warblers. I'm such a Gleek! Oh, now the song is over. Great post by the way, I'm looking forward for the next one as always! :D

  5. I love the pouting face! Merci is well definitely different looking. I can't believe that guy slipped something into her drink. What a creep.

  6. @spiderg1rl: Hmm, I haven't tried transporting, maybe I will...good idea! Thanks for the advice on it...I don't know how many times I've had to delete everyone in the makes it difficult to write an actual story...oh well...Thanks!

    @Paisley: Thanks! I'm kind of sick of them all looking like her, but oh well...they are adorable! LOL

    @Maple: Thanks...aww, that's no, I've already got plans to remedy the whole situation, so I should be good...*fingers crossed*

    @Cat: Hehe, thanks! I loved them too! Oh yeah, no judgment here...I LOVE Glee and Blaine is one of my fave characters too...him and his funny performance faces always get me! LOL

    @jazen: Yeah, he's such a cutie! Yeah, it's Charlie Sheen...he's crazy! LOL

  7. Wow! Great post! Merci turned out to be quite the cutie, and her unique genetics make her even more special! Kurt turned out great, too!

  8. @Violet: Thanks! Yeah, I really like them both!
