Friday, August 5, 2011

Getting to Know Hadley

Boredom is a funny makes you do stupid things...and in some cases, it makes you fill out surveys...and I guess I thought maybe y'all might want to know about me...maybe you'll be surprised.

1. Full Name: Hadley Keegan Reed
2. Gender: Female...last I checked...hold on...yup...female...this is a stupid question...oh well.
3. Birthday: May 30th
4. Race: Whitey evidence by my pasty skin...
5. Job: Professional Artist, Professional Mom, whatever I need to be...
6. Hometown: Butterfly Acres
7. Current Town: Bridgeport
8. Parents Still Together: Yup...very happily.
9. Siblings: 1 older sister (Lila Rose), 1 older brother (Keaton Michael)
10. Sexual Orientation: Straight

11. Hair Color: Platinum blonde right now...naturally black
12: Is It Dyed? Yup
13: Eye Color: Light Blue
14: Style: It changes with my mood. I like to try to dress a little sexy, but sometimes I remember that I'm a mom and I need to cover it up.
15: Glasses/Contacts/None: Neither! Lucky me!
16: Freckles: On my cheeks
17: Body Type: Normal...a little on the chunky side.
18: Tattoos: I have a flower on my back
19: Best/Worst Features: Best: my eyes, worst: my rump!
20: Do you get most of your traits from your mom or dad? I am a carbon copy of my daddy.

21. Favorite Color: Turquoise
22. Favorite Food: Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches!
23: Favorite Genre of Music: Roots (Country), I'm a country girl!
24: Best Friend: Evie Cowan!
25: Worst Enemy: right much as it saddens me, Winston Sergo.
26: Favorite Pastime: Painting...duh
27: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: strawberry
28: Favorite Smell: vanilla, or newborn baby!
29: One thing you can't get enough of: the joys, smiles, giggles, and crazy my children bring me
30: One thing you hate more than anything: this is tough...I have a lot of pet peeves...I guess being sad...

Love Life
31: Single/Taken? Single!
32: Happy that way? Damn skippy!
33: Last boyfriend/girlfriend: John Ellis
34: First Kiss: Evie's older brother, Mason...did it on a dare! hehe
35: First Love: John Ellis
36: How Many bf/gf have you had? one serious
37: Ever cheated? nope
38: Ever been cheated on? no
39: Ever had a one night stand? hmm, I guess sort of.
40: Do you want to get married? maybe...still not sure.

Opposite Sex: What Attracts You?
41: Hair color? I always fall for redheads
42: Short or long? short
43: Style? simple
44: Older or younger? I tend toward older
45: Build? muscular is always nice, but not necessary
46: Boxers of Briefs? None! haha!
47: Personality Turn-On? nurturing
48: Personality Turn-off? snob
49: Are looks important? not really, he has to have a good heart.
50: Do you like facial hair? I can take it or leave it, even though it can give you face burn...

Personality Traits: Top Five
1. Nurturing
2. Family-Oriented
3. Artistic
4. Hot-Headed
5. Commitment Issues


  1. ohhh would you mind if i made a guy for hadley and they meet and date~ :) sounds like a great project for me and hadley! :) i also have a question about you blog: Do you plan everything that happens on the blog? (examples: did you plan hadley moving to bridgeport, illena and bonnie fight, etc.) Is some of it unplanned craziness?

  2. only problem, he won't nurturing trait

  3. I may steal this for a bit of a laugh if you don't mind, the parents one could say dead beat dad and abandoned by mother, so most likely a witch lol

  4. @Maple: You can absolutely make a guy for Hadley to date!...Maple can introduce them and everything...and it's no big deal that he won't have the nurturing trait...she has commitment issues, so I don't know how she'll tolerate being in a relationship...but, that story line will be fun! LOL
    As far as how I plan the blog out...sometimes I take cues from the game, like with Illena and Bonnie fighting...Illena was having a mood swing and wanted to stop being friends with Bonnie, so I was like, ok, let's see what happens. Then it all blew up on me! LOL I had planned for Hadley to move to Bridgeport because I was kind of sick of her living in Cornucopia, even though it really is a beautiful town, so I had to figure out why she would have to move. I am starting to realize that the key to not getting bored with this challenge is to keep changing it up, so I have several things planned for the future and I'll somehow work them into the game.

    @spiderg1rl: LOL Poor Melody! I won't mind at all! I just did it because I know I'm not going to have time to play the game and post a blog today...and I thought it might be helpful for anyone wanting to know more about Hadley.

  5. Nice to know more about one of my favorite challenge moms!

  6. Thanks hun, I know what you mean I have so many shifts at work next week even though I'm quite ahead I know I'm going to be too tired to post.

    I never really control the kids so thats pretty cool that you go with it a bit if the kids come up with a wish. I did like the move to Bridgeport I thought it was a nice twist, shame you were sick of Cornucopia. I look forward to seeing what you have planned

  7. ok well in my game she's been wanting to get married (i played her for a minute just to see like her favorites) lol it's probably that family- oriented trait getting to her! :)

  8. @Paisley: Thanks!

    @spiderg1rl: yeah, I hear that!

    @Maple: Yeah, when I first put her in my game, she wanted to get married, and then when the vampires were living with her she would occasionally want to, but she gets over it quick! LOL I don't have any plans to have her get married...I kind of like having her single, but I wouldn't be opposed to her dating.

  9. Cool idea! I'll try this while I'm on my unplanned vacation. I love seeing Hadley's humor in her writing. :D

  10. Oh, I hope you don't mind me stealing your "get to know [insert name]" idea. I kind of mentioned it in my last comment but I want to ask just to make sure.

  11. @Cat: Thanks! You can totally use it! I actually got the idea when I was writing the entry about all the challenge moms and struggled with putting their personalities in there...I thought if anyone wanted to use Hadley, this would be helpful! LOL

  12. Awesome! This is really helpful, and it's always nice to know more about Hadley.

    By the way, can I be like Cat and use your idea too? I haven't really expanded on the background of Destiny, and I'm feeling a wee bit guilty. :)

    And just to make this comment longer... Can I still use Hadley in my blog? With her being in Bridgeport, and my family in Sunset Valley... It makes things harder, but I just wanna know if I can.

  13. @Destiny: Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Feel free to use the survey and Hadley whenever you want...she can travel! LOL
