Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Baby 36: The Worst Hangover...EVER

So...I woke up this morning to an unexpected little my uterus...hmm, I'm pregnant and I have no idea how I got that way...hmmm...either I've been doing this for so long my body is now spontaneously creating babies, or I'm forgetting something...hmmm...

I remember feeling nauseous yesterday...but I thought it was because I went out the night before and drank a little too much...I guess it was more gestational than that! Haha! Okay, let's retrace my steps...

The day before that, I got a call from my agent wanting me to make an appearance at The Brightmore. I agreed, of course.

I put Merci to bed and called a sitter to keep an eye on her and Puck.

I remember ordering a drink and thinking I needed to order another baby daddy pretty soon.

I vaguely remember dancing with someone...who was it?

I remember he had dark hair, a few wrinkles, so he was older...and...he kept telling me I reminded him of his "goddesses"...and kept telling me he was winning...then bi-winning...and ended everything he said with "Boom!" He was really annoying at first...wait, all that stuff reminds me of someone...who was it?

OH NO!!! I remember now! It was CHARLIE SHEEN! AHHHH! OMG, let me go soak myself in bleach...

OMG, I think I'm going to throw up! I was out on the dance floor and he came up behind me and started dancing...he kept buying me drinks...


I invited him to my house...OMG...he told me his blood wasn't the only thing about him that was like a tiger...*puke in my mouth.*

Then we....omg...I can't even say it...and I heard a lullaby...aww man....what have I gotten myself into now?

Meanwhile, Merci grew up into a sweet little girl. She always tends to be optimistic in any given situation.

She loves dressing up like a green dinosaur!

Look at my baby! Puck is sooo handsome!

Well, Bridgeport got a HydroWorld, just like the one in my hometown, so I've been spending some time there. It's really just a big pool and a couple slides. I keep trying to get hold of Charlie, but I don't know how to reach him...and those who might know don't seem to want to give me any info unless I pay them...hmm, like that's going to happen!

It's hard to see, but here is a pic of my tattoo...

Then late one night, a shooting pain awakens me. Yup, I'm in labor.

I go to the hospital and come out with a beautiful baby boy! Welcome to the world, Baby 36: Kurt Reed!


  1. girl! i have some advice don't drink to the point that you are drunk! that might help! ;)

  2. really charlie sheen what is wrong with Hadley I am shocked she got so drunk she couldn't remember that event. At least she got a cute baby out of their time together

  3. @Maple: LOL, you're ahead of the game if you've figured that one out already!

    @spiderg1rl: not one of Hadley's finer moments, I'll admit...*facepalm*

  4. Great post! That gives me an idea for a future post if you don't mind. :)

  5. @Paisley: thanks! I don't mind at all!

  6. Hey I love the legacy. The most original I have ever read. Could you post some pictures of hydro-world and the Bridgeport playground and possibly a link to down load them please :D.

  7. I loved the challenge father this time! It gave me a good laugh!

  8. @Amy: Wow, thanks! That makes my day! I'd be happy to post pics of HydroWorld and I'll put it up on the's really nothing but a gated pool with a couple slip-n-slides, LOL As far as the park goes, it came with Town Life, but I'll post some pictures of it.

    @Cat: LOL, thanks! I thought I pushed it putting him in here for a minute! I'm glad you liked it!

  9. LOL, great post!
    That was definitely a strange twist to the challenge!

  10. @Violet: Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!
