Thursday, August 4, 2011

Babies 32 & 33: Since When is PB&J Not a Real Meal?

The Brightmore ad campaign featuring me ran in the Wednesday paper. I kind of look like a country bumpkin, so I don't know if it will hurt their business or not. Oh well, either way, I got paid for it. AND remember how I was talking about needing some more friends? Well, wish granted! Apparently a whole lot of challenge moms are in town...did someone call a convention or something? I'm pretty excited to be meeting these girls. Some of them have been working on the challenge for a little while and I have been faithfully stalking them for what seems like forever, and others are pretty early in their challenge, like me.

First, I met Calista Smith...she's on hiatus right now with her challenge, but she still keeps busy, so I'm glad she found some time to kick it with me in Bridgeport! I think I got nervous or something when I first met her, because I was like, "Hey, we're both family-oriented!"
She just laughed and pointed out that was probably a good quality considering we're having 100 babies. Uh, duh, Hadley...LOL

Then I met Catherine Bell! She's also on hiatus for the moment (may I mention this might be a good time to get caught up on Catherine's & Calista's challenges!). She tried to sneak into the building carting a she a workaholic? Did I miss that? Hmm...she's beautiful, which normally makes me self conscious, but she's also super sweet.

Next, I met Paisley Parker. She's a relatively new challenge mom just like me. I really like meeting some of the women that have been doing this for a long time, but I like the fact that I have good company when I'm just starting!

Then I met Destiny Rose. Girlfriend has a lot going on lately, so I'm really excited that she found the time to visit...she's moved into a new house...she's having man problems...a whole lot of stuff...hmm, I wonder if she drove that hot purple car of hers? Hmmm...

Next up is Melody Sky. I'm glad she could get away from her crazy aunt for a minute. I have a standing offer to thoroughly kick the crap out of the woman...all I need is the word.

Nikki Rodgers also made it! I was worried she wasn't going to, but there she was! I swear, the girl has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. I might have to see if I can recruit one of her sons for my challenge...hmm...

Yay! Maple Don made it! She just gave birth to quints...uh, are you this skinny? *Jealous* Oh well, I'm really excited because she was the first challenge mother I ever talked to. She also recently divorced a scum bag...yeah, I kinda pegged him as a douche when I first saw him, but I didn't say anything...cuz that's really not my and let live, ya know? But anyway...I'm glad she's off him and on to another hubby!

The next challenge mother I met is Skye Everard. I just recently found out about her challenge, but she seems like a blast to hang out with.

So, after I met the girls, I was getting tired, so I went home...but I did need to call Butch and let him know about the baby.
Butch: O'Neal.
Me: Can you answer the phone like a normal person?
Butch: Hadley! You sound like you're in better spirits.
Me: Yeah, I am...I've made some friends and is everyone?
Butch: Honestly, everyone is great. It's a trip having all these people around all the time...
Me: Aww, that makes me smile. Well, I actually have something I need to tell you...
Butch: What's up, babe?
Me: weight, for one...and my ankles are up cuz if I don't elevate them sometimes they swell...and for awhile there, my lunch was up...a whole lot.
Butch: What are you talking about?
Me: *nervous giggle* Okay, that was my funny way of telling you that I'm pregnant.

Butch: Oh, that's great, baby. Get right back up on that horse.
Me: No,'re not getting's yours.
Me: Hello?
Butch: Uh...yeah, I'm sorry babe...I just...just...oh man...
Me: Butch, it's ok, I'm not a teenager and you didn't knock me up behind the back pew in church or something. I just wanted to let you know.
Butch: Oh man...
Me: Butch, breathe.
Butch: I can't even see it. We completely shut down the transport a least for right now...
Me: Well, whenever you can, they'll be here in Bridgeport.

We talked for a little while longer, then had to go.

Then I got another call...from Maple!
Maple: Hey girl, are you up for a party?
Me: Yeah, sure, I don't know when though...whenever I pop out this kid, I guess.
Maple: That's exactly what it's for...whenever you have the babies, we're going to throw you a push party!
Me: A push party? What happens there?
Maple: The usual...dancing, drinking, that sort of thing...we're gonna have it at Aquarius...sound good?
Me: You had me at drinking. See ya' then.

So, after all the talking, I was exhausted, so I went to bed in the hopes of being woken up in the middle of the night with contractions.

The next morning, my contractions finally started...

So I rode the limo to what I thought would be the hospital...

But I was just driven to the subway station...Seriously? You want me to ride the subway while I'm in labor? Are you kidding me?

Luckily, the hospital was right there when I got out...

Of course, after the babies were born, I had to take the subway back to the city...wth?

Please let me introduce Baby 32: Santana Reed...

and her sister, Baby 33: Britney Reed.

So...just when I thought I had met all the challenge moms in town, I get a's Anastasia Winfield! She's been at the challenge for awhile. She and her new husband, Ryder were in town.

So somewhere in our conversation, I mentioned that my favorite food was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...and that's when PB&J debate 2011 happened...

Ana: Okay, you might like it, but honestly? PB&J? That's not a meal...that's something one of my kids throws together when there's nothing else in the house. I get spaghetti or something...cuz, let's face it, that stuff is awesome, but I don't even think a PB&J even has any nutritional value.

Me: It totally does! Peanuts are high in protein, jelly is a fruit...and long as it's wheat (let's not mention that I rarely buy wheat bread) it's nutritious.

Ana: Whatever, Hadley. I don't consider a sandwich a meal unless a part of it has to be cooked.
Me: My mama used to make me grilled PB&J...
Ana: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.
We start laughing our asses off.

Me: Okay, you want to go see the twins?
Ana: I don't like babies...
Me: *weird look*
Ana: Kidding! Of course I want to see them, what do you think, I birth all my babies then lock them in a room?

I love Ana's sense of humor! Haha!

Of course, my elevator tries to eat me again...ugh...I swear, me and this elevator are going to fight before long...

So Ana pretty much just gets time to see Santana and Britney, then she has to go suddenly...

Then I get a call that sounds like about twenty people saying, "Get here, biotch!" Ok, it's apparently time for my push party...

Before I even walk in the door, someone asks me for my autograph. I certainly hope it's a private party.

Then she proceeds to badger Nikki for an autograph as well...

But after that, let the party begin! Destiny & Ana are shakin' it on the dance floor!

I try to join them, but my groove thing isn't working right tonight...

Ahh, there we go!

There's Paisley, wanting a drink! Check out Skye in the background!

Melody is dancing downstairs...checking out the fish tank at the same time! Shake it, girl!

Ryder, Ana's husband shows up and I worry that he's going to be uncomfortable with all the women around him...

But I needn't worry...LOL...he was having a blast dancing! So was Catherine and some random chick I didn't know...apparently they didn't make the party exclusive...

Ok, so in the middle of dancing, I, leave it to me to embarrass the hell out of myself at my own dang party! LOL

Nikki gets herself a drink!

Destiny & I take a drink break as's something...look at me and look at her...look how effin' skinny she is...and toned! Ahhh! I need to work out more...or somebody else needs to start packing on the pounds! Lord, if you can't make me skinny, make my friends fat! Haha! Kidding!

My party totally rocked!

Then, Destiny and I get to talking about LOVE...apparently Ms. D is a philosophical drunk...
Destiny: So, I know we're all doing these challenges, but do you ever think about finding love?
Me: Hmm, maybe someday, but honestly, the thought of being with one man forever freaks me out.
Destiny: What about finding the one? I know my love life is kind of a mess right now, but that's more his fault than mine...
Me: Yeah, which is funny, because most of the time our challenges get in the way of finding someone.

Destiny: Do you ever want to get married?
Me: Asking me if I ever want to get married is like asking someone if they want to get root canals...I'm not really big on marriage.

All of a sudden, the dance floor gets dark...what are Skye and Maple looking at?

Uh...what the hell? Who's skinny dipping in the hot tub? I can't see for all the blurries!

Hmm, all I see now are Catherine and Anna standing around the hot tub acting all innocent...
Skinny dipping? Who's skinny dipping? Uh-huh.

Nikki and this random chick I don't know had to leave.
Nikki: Great party, Hadley!
Other Chick: Yeah, awesome!

Skye stayed with me and started dancing on the counter...Ow, ow! Hot mama! We closed the place down!

I got home and apparently the baby-sitting service I called sent some kid in ripped jeans with a shaved head...hmm, ok, don't judge on appearances...but I'm seriously gonna scan the apartment in case something has been stolen.

When I checked on the girls, they were wide awake, so I decided to age them up.

Santana looks like me, but she has Butch's darker blonde hair.

Britney is almost identical to Santana, but her hair is more platinum blonde.

The next day, I saw this ad in the mail. Hmm, I didn't even get paid for this one...

***I would like to thank everyone that gave me permission to use their characters in my challenge. If I goofed and thought you gave me permission, but didn't, or if I represented your character in a way that you don't like, please let me know and I will change it! Also, if there is anyone else that wouldn't mind if I used your character, please let me know!***


  1. Hehe, that was weird to see Paisley in someone else's blog. Haha. That was a great post!

  2. Melody got a chance to get away from her crazy aunt made me laugh and then the fact she only had to say one word lol. The baby mommas I have in my town will appear around baby 30. I thought I would be there or close to there by now but of course I got hit by stupid bad lag.

    I loved the update by the way I'm glad Hadley seems a bit happier, no doubt she will shower the twins in love

  3. great post! maple probably had a blast!!! :)

  4. I'm laughing at Destiny's face where they met! She just has a "Who is this crazy person...?" look on her face. :D

    Philosophical drunk? I love that line!

    All in all, a uber awesome post.


  5. I commented on your thread. This was a fun chapter and the twins are so cute. I love the name Santana.

    PS Thanks for reading my story, I am glad you are enjoying it.

  6. @Paisley: I hope you liked seeing her in here! Thanks!

    @spiderg1rl: LOL, I'm glad you liked that! I tried to incorporate stuff about everyone's blogs in here...and how Hadley would react to certain stuff...figured it might help y'all when she's in your blog. I realized how tough it is to try and get the personality of someone else's character. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    @Maple: I hope she did...I wish I could have goten more pics of her at The Aquarius...but she was really good at randomly disappearing, but then she called Hadley, so I guess that makes up for it. LOL

    @Destiny: LOL! Probably because Hadley was chasing people around like a freak to get them to talk to her! Haha! I'm glad you like that just occurred to me that some might find that offensive...I was like, oh, crap, I hope she doesn't! Thanks!

    @Jazen: Thanks for commenting! I actually got Santana and Britney's names from Glee...I'm doing a tv show, book, or movie thing on my names. LOL I'm going to catch myself up on your blog today...from what I've read so far, it's so good!

  7. ikr! i always am looking for maple! in fact, i don't know where she is now! ;)

  8. I'm glad Nikki worked for you! It's pretty awesome that she has fans in Bridgeport that want her autograph! I don't know why she left early, though! You're more than welcome to use my guys as baby daddies, by the way! Malekai will be up on the exchange within the next day or two if you want him :)

  9. @rodgers: awesome! Thanks! Yeah, I think it was close to closing time when she left though.

  10. Hadley definitely should have fun more often. ;) That party was awesome! After I post my next update sometime tomorrow or Monday, I'll upload Rose for you to use if you want.

  11. @Kitty: I completely agree! I was wondering when you would post again! That would be awesome! I'd love to put Rose in the blog!

  12. Yeah, I've been busy getting the pics off the Sims 3 website, so I can post the updates. It takes forever.

  13. ABSOLUTELY LOVE THAT YOU USED CATHERINE :) it is awesome being featured in other blogs :D Thank you!!

    This post was awesome! It was really cool to see so many challenge moms together… and your babies are ADORABLE :D

  14. *thumbs up*
    Ahaha, LOVE how you used Ana. Everything that happened with her is so... Ana. AND RYDER... xD Gettin' down with the ladies. LMAO! Loved the party, love the twins, love it all. <3

  15. It's great to see Calista in someone else's blog. I know it's selfish and unimportant but it makes me feel so special that Calista was the first challenge mother that Hadley met. It's so cool how Hadley knows so many people now! The twins' birth was hilarious. Bridgeport is known for it's strange ways of travel. :D

  16. @Kitty: OMG, I don't know how you deal with memories section doesn't even work on my page...I just do screenshots...

    @Catherine: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks! It was a really fun post! I can't wait until I get the chance to have them in again!

    @Ana: OMG, I am sooo glad you liked that part...I had them chat and they started going back and forth about PB&Js and spaghetti and I was like, what in the world are they talking about? So I wrote up the whole "debate". Yeah, I felt really bad that Ryder was seriously the only guy, but apparently it didn't bother him! LOL Thanks!

    @Cat: LOL, I completely understand and if it makes you feel good, that's awesome! I'm really glad that she got to get out as well! But yeah, I was annoyed that she had to take the subway...I mean, she has a flippin' limo driver...wth? LOL Thanks!
