Monday, February 20, 2012

Gen. 2: Babies 6-7 Pt. 2: Life's Not Fair

Raising two toddlers at once is a little more challenging than just raising one baby, but I manage.

Both my girls are so different.  Madeline takes to walking first, but she rarely ever makes a sound...

But Giselle talks practically from birth.
Giselle: Mommy, me want sippy!  Maddie want sippy too.
Bonnie: Oh really?  Did Maddie tell you that?
Giselle: No...I just know.

Some people would laugh at that, but being one of a set of triplets, I know that there is a special connection between multiples.  I always knew what Caroline was thinking without her even saying it.  I could also usually tell what Illena was thinking as well, but most of the time her thoughts were so bitchy that I just ignored her.


Madeline is also easy to get to go to sleep...

While Giselle fights and fights with the perseverance of a POW until she finally passes out.

On Sunday morning after I get the girls fed and put in their swings, I cook up some waffles for breakfast.  I want to try and have more structured meal times.  I know how important it is for families to eat meals together.

However, now that Houston is a teenager, I get him to stay with the twins while I go get some fishing done.  I can't say that he agrees without lately everything I ask him to do causes eye-rolling and groaning.  Is it wrong to want to slap that eye-roll right off his face?  I don't actually do it...


It sucks being the oldest.  That's all I can say...Mom leaves me in charge of all the younger kids and of cleaning the house.  I can't do everything all the time.  I still have school and homework and she wants me to clean the house when I get home and watch the kids when she's gone.  I'm not a freakin' servant.  It's too much for me, but try telling her that.  

When I get out of the tub, the stupid dog runs in and I can see the fleas jumping off of him.  Grrreat.  I have to give him a flea bath before the whole house is infested.

At least he doesn't mind water.  He actually likes it...the weirdo.  But...just as soon as I get him out of the tub, I hear Giselle yelling.

Giselle: Brudder!  Brudder!  I have to go potty!  Hurry!

I put her on the potty chair, which takes forever, but she finally gets done, leaving a stench in her wake.

Meanwhile, at least everyone else can entertain themselves.

Aaliyah works on her painting.

Silus talks on the phone to some random kid from school.

And I get both Madeline and Giselle all taken care of before Mom gets home.

I do have a hidden agenda though.  Prom is coming up and I want to go, so I figure if I do everything right at home, Mom will let me.


Thankfully, the house is in one piece when I get home.  VICTORY!  Haha.

Later that evening, I take a look at my baby huge am I?  Geez.

Then I work with Giselle and Maddie on their skills.  Blue has taken a liking to Maddie even though she can't stand him.  She's still mad about getting sprayed in the face with water.

Either way, in the middle of working with the girls, a contraction rips through my abdomen.  Guess it's showtime.

You'd think a person would get used to this, but no...not yet...probably not ever...dang it.

Soon though, it's all over with and I have not one, but two new babies.

Baby 6: Liliana Reed

and Baby 7: Evelyn Reed

Two more little girls.  Whew.


  1. awww...Poor Houston. He's gonna run from that house and never look back when he graduates.

    Hope he has a good time at prom.

    1. He'll be okay, LOL...every teenager I've ever known goes through the same thing.
