Thursday, June 16, 2011

Baby 1: Introductions and Such

First things first, my name is Hadley Reed! That pic above is me. I'm a young adult that is just starting out in the world. I've done some soul searching lately (and a TON of reading online) and I've decided I want to take part in the 100 Baby Challenge. For those of you who don't know, it's pretty much exactly what it says it is. I'm planning to have 100 babies. I've been reading about a LOT of women that decided to do the same thing and they've made it pretty far, some have finished. So I think I can do it too. I know I'm young and probably a little bit naive, but I think I would be a great challenge mother. Let me tell you a little about myself...

Check out those child-bearing hips! As you can see, I'm not super skinny, but I like my curves.
I just graduated from high school and unlike my classmates, I don't really have any big plans for great careers, and I don't have a boyfriend, so I don't want to get married. Actually, I have a bit of an aversion to getting married...I'm pretty commitment phobic. I am nurturing and family-oriented...I'm also artistic, so I recently registered as a self-employed artist. I figure that will give me plenty of time at home with my kids and I'll still have income.

Oh, one more thing before I dig too deep into my story...I've noticed after reading a lot of challenge mother blogs that most of the time they find fathers by doing it up old school, meeting guys that live in the town or are visiting, then hook up to get knocked up. Well, that's all great, but that doesn't really sound like my thing, so I've found a different way to do it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not frigid or anything, I like doing the horizontal tango just as much as the next girl, I just think the alternative I found is a better choice for me. Okay, I'm going to be honest...I'm really terrified of catching an STD. I know in past challenges the fathers have had to provide documentation of their clean bill of health, but that's not enough for me (can you say PARANOID?). Okay, it's a little irrational, but everyone has their thing, right?

So, instead, I found an online sperm bank where I'm going to find the fathers. I just order the sperm and they send it to me in the mail and then I get busy with a turkey baster! I guess I just like my baby daddies a bit on the frozen side...haha! The only downside is that the sperm isn't costs 1,000 simoleons per specimen. That's going to be hard to deal with. Ahh, the things I do to pacify my paranoia. So, I know this probably wasn't wise, but I already found my first baby daddy!

His name is Fred Barge. He's a bit on the chubby side, but I think he's cute. I've always had a thing for redheads...and I think his little dumbo ears are just precious. So, I ordered the sperm and then went about very awkwardly knocking myself up...hopefully I'll eventually get the hang of all this diy stuff...or I'll make enough money to go to a doctor for these procedures.

After romancing the turkey baster (and laying flat on my back for the allotted amount of time), I decided I needed to get up and start to work on a painting. Okay, confession time...even though I'm artistic, I'm not what you would consider proficient at painting...I actually don't have a whole lot (read: any) skill at it just yet, but I'm working really hard at it. I really need to...the only furniture I have in my house right now is a desk with a crappy computer, a chair, this easel, a guitar, a crappy refrigerator, a crappy stove, a crappy sink, and a few crappy counters. Pretty much it's all crappy. I'm sleeping in a sleeping bag in the bedroom right now. Oh man, what have I gotten myself into? Worse yet, what if I'm pregnant and I have to bring a baby into this environment? I think I put the carriage before the horse on this one.

Okay, here's another thing...I can't cook...I'm trying to learn by fixing myself autumn salads, but I'm pretty much still at the "burns water" stage. At least the salads are healthy...and I don't run the risk of burning the house down. So whenever I have a baby, I'm not going to able to cook anything for it. Hope you like cereal and soup, little guy or girl.

I actually managed to cook waffles the other day. I risked it even though I probably shouldn't have. I'm not really sure if I'm pregnant yet or not. I don't know, do I look a little pudgy in this pic? Hmm...I better just stick to the salads.

Well, good news! I am officially pregnant! I didn't really have a whole lot of morning sickness, which is good. Maybe I can handle this whole mother thing.

I actually scraped enough money together to afford a crib. I figure, worse comes to worse, the baby won't really need anything but that for a little while, right?

Because I was a little worried about money, I decided to try my hand at writing a book. I only got around 13 simoleons in royalties a week, but hey, it's better than nothing.

Unfortunately, right after I started writing, my computer broke. Since I don't have enough money to hire a repairman, I had to go about fixing it myself. I was praying the whole time that I wouldn't get electrocuted.

Check out that baby bump! I'm still doing a really good job of keeping my figure.

Sleeping in a sleeping bag really isn't all that bad. I always wake up feeling refreshed! On this particular morning, I'm so huge I'm surprised I can even stand up!

Well, as soon as I do, a huge really painful contraction runs through my, that hurt a whole lot more than I thought it would!

I live down the block from the hospital, so I just walked.

A few (really long and agonizing) hours later, I came out of the hospital carrying my little boy, my first child, Embry Reed!

I walked home with pride carrying my little boy in my arms. Even though money might be tight and things might get tough, we will get through it together.


  1. I like Hadley's way of getting pregnant. It's very unique!

  2. @Paisley: Thank you! I hope you'll keep reading!

  3. I like the sense of humor the story is written with! Also, the background is adorable! :)

  4. Love how your changing it up with the sperm donations! And it's hilarious, I can't wait to get all caught up!
