Thursday, June 23, 2011

Babies 6 & 7: Teenagers, Prom, & Babies! Oh My!

Taking care of Stefan is a piece of cake after having taking care of the twins. I wonder how I'm going to manage if I ever have triplets.

He's such a breeze that I'm already looking for the next baby daddy.

This guy's name is Kevin Zhang. I kind of want a dark complected guy. There's also something enchanting about his eyes. The sperm bank says he's a "special selection" and children from him will most likely be very unique. What is that supposed to mean? Hmm, only one way to find out.

Sometimes I wish my babies would stay this way for longer than they do, but it's already time for Stefan to grow up.

I can see a lot of my characteristics in Stefan. The only differences I see are his eyes and his light blonde hair.

They say that potty training boys is more difficult, but compared to Emily, he's really easy. He sits on the potty chair like I tell him and doesn't fight me at all. He can be such a sweet boy...

He also likes rides in the stroller like his big brother, Embry. Thankfully I can take him because all of his siblings are in school.

Don't get me wrong, he gets to screaming and he just won't stop...

On this particular day, he screamed so much, I had just about had enough of it.

Thankfully Embry took over for me and played with Stefan until he was nothing but a mess of giggles. How did I handle kids before I had a teenager?

Not to mention, the dishwasher broke right after dinner and I had to fix it. Ugh! My work never ends!

My boys are so helpful! Jeremy is a bit of a neat freak, so he mopped up the mess from the dishwasher.

What with all the crazy, I had completely forgot that I had another "turkey baster date." I remembered when I couldn't make it to the bathroom and puked all over the front porch! Well, it scared the paparazzi away, so it wasn't a total loss! Haha!

On Saturday, I helped Stefan learn some skills while the kids played at the house.

I also decided to try out a new hair has deep purple streaks in it...It's kind of hard to see in this picture, but I dig it.

I also found this adorable maternity outfit. I decided to try being a hot mama!

Ahh, spring fever is in the air! It's prom season and Embry has his eye on Malinda Poe, a girl in his class.

He finally works up the courage to ask her to the prom...and she accepts! I'm so excited for my son!

Malinda is a beautiful blonde with piercing eyes. Something about her reminds me of this last baby daddy...I can't put my finger on it...

As Jeremy plays chess, I notice that he's squinting an awful lot. Remember how I was saying that he always glares at his homework? I asked him and he says he has trouble seeing it sometimes. I'm going to have him go to the doctor and see about getting glasses.

When I picked Stefan up after giving him his lunch, he looked at me and said, "What it do Shawty?" Hmm...I can definitely see his brother's influence...

Even though what I teach him to say isn't near as cool, I did manage to teach him how to talk.

My baby bump is getting huge! I wonder if I'm having multiples...

Pretty soon, it was Jeremy's birthday and he aged up into a teenager. Sure enough, the doctor said he would need glasses and possibly corrective surgery to help with his squinting problem. I should have noticed that was a genetic trait on his father's side. I was worried that Jeremy would be concerned about being teased, but he seemed fine with getting glasses as long as he could wear some "killer" frames.

Since it is prom season, Jeremy decided to buff up a little bit. He doesn't have a date, but he swears he's cool with going stag.

I decide to take my life and the life of my unborn child into the hands of Embry once again and work on his driving. He's kind of anxious to grow up and move out after prom, but he wants to learn to drive first.

On Sunday, the limo showed up to take the boys to prom. There are a couple of pictures of the boys at prom, but they are being held hostage (by the Sims 3 website!).

Don't my boys look handsome in their tuxedos? This was taken after the prom. Embry and Malinda had a wonderful time and Malinda asked Embry to be exclusive! Aww, my little boy's first girlfriend...okay, I will stop being embarrassing...

Jeremy's prom experience wasn't so magical. He got into a fight, broke up a fight, and was rejected for a dance by his crush. Ouch! There's always next year!

Then it was Stefan's birthday! He is such a cutie! I still think he looks a whole lot like me, except for the blonde hair.

Stefan was nervous about his first day of school. He sat on the bus looking nervously out the window.

Big brother to the rescue! Embry sits down next to him and takes his hand, assuring Stefan that he will protect him at school.

Later that day, contractions started for me...look at me walking into the hospital cool as a cucumber! LOL

Oh boy! There's another baby carrier! Know what that means? TWINS!

Welcome Baby #6: Alaric Reed...and

Baby #7...Damon Reed! Two more boys!


  1. You know that if you eat watermelons it increases the chances of it being a girl?
    e.g. 1 watermelon=1 girl.
    1 apple= 1 boy.
    I love your blog btw. XD
