Friday, June 24, 2011

Lots-o-Crazy! No Time for Babies!

As soon as I make it home, I look at my sleeping baby boys, Damon & Alaric, and feel so content...for about two seconds before the crazy starts up again...haha!

The trash compactor breaks and I have to fix it while being watched by my slightly neurotic son. He can't stand the smell of the trash seeping through the kitchen.

I check on the boys....marvel at their perfection...

Then realize they are both due for a feeding...back to work, Mama! I guess I shouldn't complain, the kids are busy too...

Alba & Stefan are working on their homework. Alba tries to get Stefan to help her, but he ignores her.

Jeremy is working on his martial arts skills. He swears he never feels the need to defend himself at school or anywhere else, but he is obsessed with working out.

I get a late night invitation to dance at the Copa Cabana just down the street. There's at least 1,000 simoleons in it for me and to be honest, I can use the money, so I take them up on their offer. I leave Embry in charge.

"Okay girls, it's bed time. Aren't y'all tired, I know I am." Embry says to convince Alba and Emily to go to bed.

"I think Alba and I should get to stay up later," Emily, the little politician, begins her argument, "we're really close to being teenagers..."

"Uh, yeah, sis," Embry starts, "I'm thinking that's a no...see, it won't be your tails that get in left me in charge."

"Like we would tell Mom!" Emily tries once more. Embry is hearing none of it though, and sends the girls to bed.

Meanwhile, at the club, I order a drink. Since I have achieved a little bit of celebrity in town, I expect a little discount or a drink on the house...

Instead, I have to pay full price and the bartender gives me an attitude..."Oh, it's you...yeah, no discount." What the...?

I can't help but confront him. "What was that about?" I ask.

"You should know," the bartender starts, "everyone is talking about that fight you got into."
"I did no such thing!" I exclaimed, appalled. I may be hot-headed, but I don't go around starting fights with anyone...besides that, I'm at home most of the time, who would I fight with? My plants? Yeah, I don't think so. I need to take care of this.

Well, I'm going to have to take care of this later. It's too late to try and clear my name right now. I run home...uh, literally...yeah, it's better than driving drunk, right?

It's a good thing I got home when I did. Damon and Alaric were both awake demanding a feeding. I tended to them then went to sleep. I had business to take care of in the morning.

Well, the next morning, I had to pay my bills first and foremost. The upkeep on this house is ridiculous.

I left Damon & Alaric with a sitter and drove my brand new car to the courthouse. I'm gonna nail someone's balls to the wall...ok...I should probably refrain from talking like that if I'm trying to win my slander case...

So I go into the courthouse fully prepared to defend myself...and I LOST! How could I lose? It wasn't true! Yeah, I might have started yelling in the courtroom...ugh, my hot-temper getting the best of me again!

So I go to the local paper and pay off the paparazzi. I feel a little dirty...but at least my name is cleared. I wouldn't want people to think of me as a person that picks fights. I'm a mother, for crying out loud!

When I get home, it's time for Embry to grow up and move on! Ahh, I can't believe my first baby is leaving me! He's such a special boy!

Here's a pic of Embry as an adult...he's pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself! He's got the cowboy look going on and I think he's going to go into Law Enforcement!

Next, it was time for Damon & Alaric to grow up...

Damon has piercing blue eyes and...RED hair? Where did that come from? Hmm...maybe that's what they meant by special qualities?

Alaric also has red hair, even though it hasn't grown in near as much. Also his eyes are a wacky reddish color. What the heck kind of genes did this guy have?

The next morning while I'm cooking the kids breakfast, I get an invitation for a free vacation! Yeah, I race out the door before I know what to do with myself! I love my kids, but sometimes I need to get away.

I'm sure the girls will work on their homework...and Jeremy will be great with the toddlers. I go ahead and let Alba and Emily age up to help him.

Alba looks a lot like me. She's on the pudgy side, she has dark hair and blue eyes.

Emily is skinny as a stick! Seriously...she turns to her side and disappears! I know she didn't get that from me! She favors her father's traits, I believe.

***Jeremy's POV***

"Okay guys, let's get these kids to bed and get this party going! Alba, you get Alaric, I'll follow with Damon." I tell my sisters. I may not be all that cool in school (I'm too school for cool!), but I'm determined to throw a Kick A$$ party while mom's gone!
"Yeah, you would give me the one that's screaming!" Alba complains.
So we get the toddlers to bed, bribe Stefan with letting him stay up late, and then people start showing up!

Ever the typical Emily, she steals this dude away from the chick he's dancing with and starts snubbing her. She says you have to be a witch (or something that rhymes with it) to get what you want. Whatever Em.

We order pizza and have an eating contest...Alba wins...geez, I hope she wasn't trying to get a boyfriend out of the guy watching her jam that slice down her pie hole!

All of a sudden, I get a call from mom...telling me she'll be home within the hour! Oh crap! Everyone has to get out and we have to clean this place up!

Amazingly, Emily, Alba, Stefan, and I get the place spic and span AND climb into bed before she gets home. We are sooo lucky!

***Hadley's POV***

I must say, that was a great little vacay. I really needed it. And look, the house is clean as a whistle and all the kids are in bed. Ahh, I'm a lucky one. I head right off to bed.

The next morning I'm back to the same duties. I get Damon & Alaric up, feed them breakfast, and get them ready for the day.

I work on teaching Damon how to talk. "Job...say job," I tell him..."Jaaawwbbbb-a!" he timidly replies. I figure it's never too soon to teach them about the importance of a J-O-B! LOL

After he learns how to talk, Damon is full of little stories. The kid cracks me up!

Well, while I'm busy working with Damon, Emily is busy setting up a trap for one of us in the shower. Then, she sneaks out of the house...

The next thing I know, I'm getting a call from the police! Emily was caught at the school trying to flood it! What in the world!

I stand in the study, motionless, trying to figure out what to say to my daughter. What could possibly have gotten into her?

I start yelling as soon as she gets home. "What were you thinking?" I ask, "you're lucky the school doesn't press charges and you're lucky there wasn't any major damage!"
"How do you even know it was me! I was framed Mom!" She replies in defense.
"The janitor found the wrench to loosen the pipes in your hand, Em. Don't make it worse by lying to me." I reply.

She resorts to begging. "I'm so sorry! I promise I won't do it again. Please can we just forget about this?"

"Not a chance, kiddo," I tell her, "you're grounded. You're to go to school, come home, and help me with your siblings. Then we'll talk. You can start now by helping me potty train."

Emily picks up Damon and heads to the potty chair with a scowl on her face. She dislikes children, so helping care for her little siblings is worse for her than it would be for anyone else.

I must admit, she doesn't let her disdain for children show through when she is dealing with her brothers though. I can at least be thankful for that...or maybe it was just because I was walking through...

I, on the other hand, sometimes can't handle all the screaming.

I get Alaric in bed while Emily follows close behind with Damon.

Again with the scowl...geez, Em.

Meanwhile, Jeremy has gotten really good at martial arts. He's looking awesome in his new garb!

Because it's really late and the toddlers are already in bed, I bake cookies and let the older kids have them before their bedtime. Check out Emily's face when I told her the cookies weren't fat free!

Well, poor Jeremy got into the shower that Emily had booby-trapped...

"What the...?!" I hear from the bathroom.

"Ugh! Payback is a killer, little girl!" Jeremy yells.
"Ooh, I'm so afraid!" Emily yells back. I nudge her and tell her to hush.

Emily is kind of getting more than payback anyway...she is still not enjoying her punishment.

While the kids are at school, today I work with Alaric on his skills. He picks up walking rather quickly.

Talking he struggles with...I'll have to remember this on the boys next checkup. He might need some testing.

He eventually does say homework, just as I'm about to give up...that's my boy!

I make sure he learns how to say doctor...hey, it doesn't hurt to plant the idea in his head early!

Unfortunately, the booby traps the same bathroom no less...Alba rigs the toilet!

I teach Jeremy how to drive because he wants to hurry and age up...

I think Emily is finally starting to enjoy taking care of her younger siblings.

Alba wants to loose some weight, so she has been working out nonstop.

I bring Emily into my study and tell her she's officially un-grounded. She did well helping even though it wasn't her favorite thing to do.

Then it's birthday time.

It turns out that Jeremy required just a little bit of corrective surgery for his eyes. He still needs glasses, but boy is he handsome! He's going into the military career.

Alba and Emily talked me into growing up and moving out as well. Alba is beautiful. She has long, curly hair and a kind smile. She's going into politics.

Emily is also gorgeous and still super skinny. She doesn't like it though, she doesn't have any boobs either! Well, I guess there is some justice in the world! LOL She's still not sure what she wants to be, but she and Alba move out together.

Next, it's Alaric's turn. He looks a lot like his father, from what I can tell, but I don't know where that strange skin tone comes from.

Everyone says the same thing...Damon's eyes are the craziest, lightest blue they've ever seen. I suppose that's appropriate, considering his namesake is a character played by Ian Somerhalder...who has eyes almost just like that...or as I like to call him, Ian Smolder-holder!

What with all the crazy that was going on, I didn't have the time to pop out a kid this entry, but maybe I'll try for two this next time!


  1. Damon's eyes are REALLY cool looking! Great post!

  2. Thank you! Yeah, they are awesome! They look eerie!

  3. AGGGGHHH *fan-girling*

    Damon ;D

    great blog btw.

    1. Thank you so much! Hehe, I'm glad you like it!
