Saturday, May 19, 2012

Gen. 2: Babies 16 & 17: Who Knew Parenting Was This Hard

Miranda: What are you even talking about freako?
Bella: You know what I'm talking don't have my style...and I saw you wearing them today.
Miranda: Okay, how about get off the 'roids there sis...

Bella: You are such a loser!  I can't believe we are twins...I must have been adopted...

Miranda: Why are you being so mean to me?
Bella: make me're not even standing up for yourself?  Really?

Tad: Girls!  What is wrong here?
Bella: Screw off, man.
Tad: Is that any way to talk to your father?
Bella: No, but it's a perfect way to talk to my sperm donor...

I sigh as I listen to my most distraught daughter when talking about all the trouble Bella is going through.
Miranda: I don't understand Mom.  I really like Bella...but she is so...mean to me.

I know this is wrong, but I can't help but side with Miranda a bit.  This whole situation reminds me of fighting with Illena when I was a teenager...except I wasn't near as docile as Miranda is.

Bonnie: I don't know honey.  Your sister is the way she is...the only thing you can control is how you handle it.
Miranda: How do I handle it though?

Bonnie: Well...when she gets that way, just walk off.
Miranda: What if she follows me?
Bonnie: Walk off again...
Miranda: That doesn't seem fair.  Why should I be the one to have to move when she's the crazy one?
Bonnie: She's not crazy..she's just...
Miranda: Crazy!

Yeah, that little talk didn't help.

Throughout the day, I put the girls to work and try to keep them as far apart as possible.  Turns out that isn't so hard considering I have a toddler and two infants to care for.

Bella is not a big fan of baby duty.  I think she's one of those types that doesn't really like children.

Of course meal times are getting to be awkward...even though the girls pretty much just ignore each other now.

I try to stay out of it, but I can't help but side more with Miranda.  Bella reminds me a lot of Illena.

The girls stay home and work on chores while I go meet with Chris Lauder.  He and his wife want Chris to be my next baby daddy, but they don't want to go about it the old fashioned way if you catch my drift.

The positive side is that I'm fairly certain I'm pregnant when I leave the doctor's office, and when I get home, it's birthday time for Autumn and the twins.

Autumn is a beautiful little girl with her Rodgers features.

Peyton looks a whole lot like her father.

Kennedy has blonde hair and brown eyes.  I'll never understand how there are so many blondes in our family.

Despite being a pill all the time, as the twins get older, Bella likes them a little more.  I have no idea why.

Kennedy takes to talking very easily.
Bonnie: Say 'lady bug' Kennedy.
Kennedy: wadeee bug!
Bonnie: Close enough...

The girls are still avoiding each other and Miranda has just taken to working on her homework silently, doing her chores and going to bed.  I don't understand why the girls can't get along...I'm starting to think this is payback.

To beat it all, I get a call from the principal asking me why Bella wasn't at school.
*Sigh*  I hate being a parent sometimes.  I guess I should have thought about that before I decided to do this challenge, huh?

Of course, Bella flips out on me.
Bella: Why am I always getting in trouble?
Bonnie: Because you're always doing things to get in trouble.  Come on Bells, you know you can't skip school.  The principal said you're making D's you not want to graduate.
Bella: I don't even care.
Bonnie: Really?
Bella: Yeah, I don't need to finish high school...
Bonnie: Oh, ok...well, if you're not going to go to school, you need to get a job...why don't you go see what kind of job you can get without a high school education.
Bella: School is so stupid!  I'm not going to need to know any of this crap when I'm an adult.
Bonnie: You'd be surprised....but either way, you're going to school if I have to drag you there by the, end of discussion.
Bella: Whatever.
Bonnie: You're really trying my patience, aren't you?

*Sigh*  Oh well, I guess life just has to continue.  When we sit down at the table, Autumn is giggling.
Bonnie: What's so funny?
Autumn: Guess what I did today?
Bonnie: No telling...
Autumn: I played on the slide outside!  I love it!  It's my favorite!

Autumn:  I love sitting up at the top...

Autumn: ...sliding down...

Autumn: ...I don't really love falling and landing on my butt every time, but oh well...

Bonnie: So you love the slide, but the slide doesn't love you?
Autumn: Yes it does!
Bella: If it kicks your butt every time you get on it, it doesn't pipsqueak.

Even though my oldest twins don't get along, my youngest twins do.

I swear, I don't know what I'm going to do with them.  I try to make them eat together, but they don't say anything and then when they're done, they just get up and leave.

Of course this annoys Autumn.
Autumn: How come just because they're not talking to each other, I have to clear the table?
Bonnie: I don't know honey...I guess that's just your lot in life.
Autumn: Well it's not fair.
Bonnie: I know baby.

The next morning, bright and early, I get an unexpected phone call....

But I don't have much time to think about it before I go into labor.

Welcome Baby 16: Alexis

And Baby 17: Scarlet...

You guessed it, two more girls...

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