Thursday, December 6, 2012

Gen. 2: Who Told You This is Acceptable Behavior?

Know that small hope that Nico wasn't even going to think about the fact that he has a baby?  Yeah, well, that lasted all of twenty minutes...long enough for the local paper to update the website announcing Polanne's birth, because he was immediately calling me, wondering when he can see her.

BONNIE: Um...yeah...sure, Nico, you can see her anytime...just call before you come over so I can have her awake and all that...
NICO: Whateva'

Hmph.  What kind of answer was that?

Unfortunately, I have no time to worry about the Nico situation because my children start screaming at me in excitement and I have to see what all the commotion is about.

And I see a cat they have already named George...

...and another cat by the name of Hazel.  Awesome.

So all the kids keep me so busy that it seems like no time before it's time for Polanne to age up.

Well, thankfully none of her father's side shows up, but her Aunt Gia gives her a whole wardrobe of clothes nicer than the ones I wear.

Polanne looks a lot like me, but she has very dark hair and eyes that must come from her father.

Also thankfully, she is giggly and adorable, and pretty much the light of my life.  It amazes me how such a delightful child could have come from such a wacko.

Late one evening after the kids got off school, I get a text from Brendan asking if I want to catch a movie.  Well, since Adovie and Rione are home and they can baby-sit, I don't see why not, so I text him back that I'll be there in five.

Of course, when I get there, he's nowhere to be found.  When I try his phone, there's no answer, and he's not answering his texts.

Hmph.  How rude.

After waiting fifteen minutes, I decide to screw him and go see the movie by myself.


Rione has just finished his homework and is about to feed Polanne her dinner when there's a knock at the door.

He doesn't even get to it before it swings open.

NICO: Hey!  What's goin' on in here?


RIONE: Can I help you sir?
NICO: Yeah, I wanna see my kid.  Where is she?
RIONE: Um...who's your kid?
NICO: You know, she's just a little thing...

RIONE: Um...I'm not so sure about do you know your kid is here?
NICO: Look, don't screw with me, kid.  I know she's here...

RIONE: Sir, my mom's going to be home any minute and then you can talk to her, but I think until then you should leave.

Nico laughs in his face.  I suppose I should be proud of my son for trying to stand up for his family, even though it scares me to think of what Nico could do when he doesn't get his way.
NICO: You do, huh?  Well, I don't think so...
Nico stands tall over Rione and is about to continue his thought when Polanne's voice carries from the living room where she is playing.
Nico smiles devilishly at Rione.
NICO: Well, ain't that somethin?  Sounds like she's right here.

He abandons whatever he was thinking about doing to Rione (thank goodness) and follows the sound of giggling.

NICO: There you are, little girl.


I come home from my movie and walk into my room not realizing anything is wrong.
Before I can change into my pajamas, I notice something strange on my private patio.

It's Nico.

BONNIE: Nico?  What are you doing here?

I was not prepared for his reaction.

NICO: You listen here, bitch.  I don't want anyone to try and keep me from my daughter again...
BONNIE: Excuse me?  Why don't you watch who you're talking to.
NICO: Oh I see, and all I see is a stupid girl...

BONNIE: Wait a second...I won't have you talking to me in my own house this way...
NICO: You better watch yourself girlie, or you won't have to worry about anyone talking to you any way.
BONNIE: Are you threatening me?
NICO: What do you think?
BONNIE: I think you better leave.
NICO: I'll leave when I finish telling you what I want to tell you. 
BONNIE: Okay...
NICO: Nobody's keeping me from my one.  If you try it, you'll regret it.

Something about the look in Nico's eyes terrifies me.
He takes the back way out and leaves.

When he's gone, my first instinct is to check on Polanne.

Thankfully, she is sleeping peacefully in her crib.

Just in case I wasn't scared enough, the next morning I get a call from Nico.

NICO: Remember bitch, whenever I want.

With that, he hangs up the phone.

What have I gotten into?


  1. Holy mother of babies.

    And I'm not talking about Bonnie and Hadley.

    I think loverboy was in on it. Possibly not willingly. But crazy-father-figures FTW!

    Um... I think I'll go now before I say anything else strange.



    1. Hahahaha! I love your strange comments! You are the only one who hasn't abandoned this page and I love you for it! And I think you might be right...he might have stuck his nose where it doesn't belong! Eeep! Thanks for commenting!!!
