So...first things first...I decide to get a new do...I decide to go with long purple braids with pink highlights...I'm sick of being a redhead.

It's amazing how much joy each child has brought into my life...I mean, here I am on Babies 69 & 70, and it feels the same as Baby 1. Each one of my children are precious to me...even though there are so many of them.

As I'm feeding the boys in the morning, William comes in.
"Madame, you must let me tend to the babies. You should feel free to work on more pleasant things." he tells me.
"Madame, you must let me tend to the babies. You should feel free to work on more pleasant things." he tells me.

"William, this is pleasant for me," I tell him, "there's nothing I would rather be doing in the world."
"Ms. Cowan said you would be stubborn..." William replies.
Yeah, Ms. Cowan is going to get an earful as soon as I can get her on the phone.
"Ms. Cowan said you would be stubborn..." William replies.
Yeah, Ms. Cowan is going to get an earful as soon as I can get her on the phone.

I take the opportunity to get to know my butler. He tells me he got into the profession because taking care of people brings him joy.

I feel bad because he is a very sweet guy and a very hard worker...the house has never looked better...but I feel like having a butler is sending the wrong message to my kids...

The other day, I heard Meredith demanding that William fix her a snack...normally, that's something she can do for herself. I don't want my children to feel like they have to depend on anyone.
So I let William go, with a hefty bonus and a promise to be a reference if he needs one.

After I get that chore over with, I notice that Susannah and Elizabeth are having issues with each other. Lord knows what over...I decide not to get involved...

Every time Susannah tries to talk to Liz, she gets paraded with hand gestures...first this one...

Then a very clear "Talk to the hand"...Lord have mercy...girl drama is probably the worst part about parenting!

Meredith is also apparently ticked off at both of them and heads to school by herself.

The sour moods continue when I wake Everett up for school and he gives me this look...I take back what I said...he's just as moody as his sisters!

As soon as all the sour pusses go to school, I find solace in caring for my youngest. It's also their birthday!

Thad has his father's nose and hair! Check out that orange!

Patrick looks just like Thad but he has dark hair.

Later that day, it's time for Everett and Julie to grow up!

Check out this look! He reminds me of that dude from Project Runway...

He is still Mr. Prim & Proper as a teen. Hair has to be perfect, clothing contains no wrinkles...and he is talking to me about how he needs a spa day...geez, what a prima donna! I still love him though!
So he's a Tim Gunn clone...hehehe.

Julie is just excited to be having a birthday and eating strawberry cake!

She grows up to be beautiful...she reminds me of the actress Joey Lauren Adams...
See the similarities?

The next day, I work hard with Thad and Patrick and get them through learning all their skills...so it's time to age up!

Thad looks a lot like his father and I have to say...I'm digging the orange hair.

Patrick is almost identical...except he is a bit lighter and his hair is darker.

Then it's time for the triplets to age up. Meredith is gorgeous!

Elizabeth is beautiful as well!

Susannah looks a whole lot like me...with a punk rock look! LOL

So here's the next baby daddy...

I don't know why, but the pregnancy hormones are hitting me hard right now and I keep flying into rages...

I start showing and change into one of my old maternity outfits.

As sweet as Julie is, she hates chores!

Everett has gotten done with his and he's playing in the sprinkler...in the garden, which I hate...but I can never stop them.

Thad is my little genius and he loves playing chess online.

Patrick is all boy...he builds sand castles just so he can destroy them.

I have noticed that we haven't been spending a whole lot of quality time as a family together, so I call everyone into the living room to watch TV...they are less than thrilled, to say the least.

I'm happy to have my children sitting down together, but look at the pained expressions on Everett and Thad...

...and Julie and Patrick...

After a few minutes of obligatory family bonding, Everett has had enough.
Me: Where are you going?
Everett: I have homework...um...er...I'm tired too.

Julie: If he gets to go, I get to go too...
Thad: Yeah!
Patrick: Me too!
Me: Fine! All of you can go then!

I take out my frustration at my children on the toilet...it's about time I start upgrading some things anyway.

Then I fix them all something to eat...ugh...sometimes being a mother is a thankless job.

The kids scarf it up and go about their own business before I can even sit down...Great.

As I'm cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, I go into labor.

I make it upstairs...and think about being at the spa to keep my mind of the pains...it doesn't work.

This baby takes its time coming out...great, another one that's already getting on my nerves.

Just when I'm about to write all that off as Braxton Hicks, I get a big contraction and...

My daughter, Baby 71: Bradley Reed is born.

Followed shortly by Baby 72: Benna Reed.
So, yes, some of you have guessed the naming theme...and guessed correctly! It's The Family Stone...I love that movie...I only had boy names left and she had twin girls, so I improvised. I know there's a character named Amy, but her mom's name is Amy, so I'm not using that one.
nice post! love the pigtails, did you download them from somewhere or did they come with an expansion pack?
ReplyDeleteI must admit, I used google to figure out the theme.
ReplyDeleteYou are on the down swing for babies. You will be done soon.
What's your next project?
Claire, I honestly can't remember where I got them...I think The Sims Resource...
ReplyDeleteJazen, devious! Lol it's OK...I've done it before. I know, I'm pretty excited...I have an idea in the works.
I like the similarities between sims and real life people!
ReplyDeletehahah the tim gunn clone had me cracking up :) LOVE IT!! We're both on the home stretch :D!
AHhh great post! Your so far along.. I can't believe your challenge is almost over!! great post, as always :)
ReplyDelete@Cat: Thanks! I thought they looked like those people, so I decided to point it out!
ReplyDelete@Catherine: Woo-hoo! I noticed you're almost done too! Congratulations!
@Violet: Thanks! IKR? I don't know how I managed to get this far!